chapter 2

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Y/d: what do you wanna do now?
Y/n: wanna go get something to eat cause I'm starving i didn't eat breakfast yet?
Y/d: sure, what do you wanna eat?
Y/n: uhh...chillies?
Y/d: sure just let me call a uber real quick
Y/n: okay
*your dad calls a uber to take you and him to chillies and then the uber arrived and took you guys to chillies*
((Skip to when you are at chillies))
*then you and y/d find a seat and got your food*
Y/n: after were done eating do you want to take me to visit alex
Y/d: sure honey we can go see him after
Y/n: okay let me just check if he is home
Y/d: okay
( you call alex)
Y/n: hey bich
A: hey bich, what do you want?
Y/n: are you still at home
A: yeah why?
Y/n: im gonna come visit you after
A: okay just text me when your here
Y/n: okay i will
( end of call )
Y/d: okay honey are you ready to go
Y/n: uhh... Yeah i am
* then your dad calls a uber and you are almost to alex house so you text him that you almost there*
Y/n: alex im here
A: okay coming
Y/n: okay bye ily
A: okay bye ilyt
(End of text)
*you get out of the car and you see alex running down his stairs to you and you both run and jump on eachother and feel to the ground then you guys got up*
Y/n: alex i missed you sm
A: i missed you more
*alex pov*
Damn, she looks more beautiful than i had ever imagined
*end pov*
They both looked each other in their eyes and smiled
*your pov*
He looks so hot today
*end pov*
Y/n: well i gotta go text me later
A: okay i will bye
Y/n: bye
((Skip to when your at your house))
*you went inside and found your room then started to set up inside and it looked beautiful asf*
Y/n: damn, my room looks beautiful asf
Y/d: are you talking to yourself?
Y/n: haha, im not
Y/d: well honey im gonna leave for a couple of months for my business trip if thats fine with you
Y/n: yeah its fine with me
Y/d: well i gotta leave bye love you
Y/n: ilyt❤
*you got a message from alex*
A: hey y/n
Y/n: hey
A: what you doing later tonight
Y/n: nothing much my dad just left for a couple of months
A: okay you wanna come to a party with me?
Y/n: sure
A: okay bye
Y/n: bye
* you went to go shower and dressed into a beautiful white dress and look fine asf when you were done getting dressed you brushed your hair and teeth then you got a text message from alex*
A: did you need a ride
Y/n: yeah please
A: okay im coming rn

Imma make more later💕💕sorry if it was bad😂😂

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