Chapter 13: Hometown & Childhood Friends

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After six hours going by train from her dormitory to hometown she finally arrive. Snow getting off from the train and stretching her cramp muscles. She look her surrounding, she feel nostalgic and various memories run inside her brain.

"It's been a while... its feel like yesterday. Even though its already been three years after i leave this place for study" Snow sighed.

"Snowyyyyyy~" a unfamiliar voice calling out of her. Snow look at the voice direction and tilt her head to the left.

"?" 'who might this person be? ' she thought.

The person stopped with hurtful face.
"How could you forgot about me" she faked cries.

'How am i suppose to know a gangster punk metallic like you?' Snow furrowed her brows.

"Uh, who are you? " Snow said with indifferent looks.

"Woah! you only sixteen when you leave us. How could you forgot your sweet and cute childhood friend like me? wuu wuu" she clutch her chest hurted.

'What... sweet and cute? ' Snow look her up and down. 'Which part is it through? wait... childhood friend? ' she look the person again.

"Since when i have a gangster punk metallic childhood friend like you? " Snow blurted out.

The person jaw dropping |||°A°)
"Wait!  I will be back!!  Stay there dont go anywhere!!! " she run off to who knows where.

"..." Snow sighed as far as she remember she only have two close childhoods friends which is meanie but kind and another one is cute and have an aura like princess (well not really she like a heroic prince instead who beat people). And who might that person who proclaimed she is her childhood friend.

Just Snow want to leave suddenly a same voice calling out her again. She look at the direction and black line formed on her head |||°-°).

That person huffing. "H-how about now? You recognize me? " she look at Snow expectantly.

Snow: ...

That person: (・∀・)

Snow: ... *take her mobile out and dialing 911*

That person: Wait what are you doing?  °A°) *she stop Snow hands*

Snow: Calling a police... ‾-‾)

That person: Nooooo!!!  (T⌓T) Why arent you recognizing me?!

Snow: *look at her appearance* your outfit earlier is slightly better than this outfit you wear now... it's creepy especially the make up... who are you want to spook? *Snow stated the truth*

Snow: Rather than making yourself like a mystery why don't you introduced yourself?  I clearly remember that i don't have a childhood friend like you.

The person: *feel hurted* I thought you will recognize me even if its already 3 years waaaa~ Aren't you care about Ciara anymore huh? (T⌓T)

Snow: Oh! You know Ciara?  How is she?  I miss her so much!

Ciara: *unbelieve looks* 😦 Ciara is infront of you!!!! The one you talking now ah!

Snow:  ̄ˍ ̄) eh?  You joking right?  Seriously?  What the...?

(A/n: Btw, Snow personality is different before she left her hometown for study. Cherry doesn't even know this though xD)

Ciara: Did i change too much that you don't recognize me anymore? (T⌓T)

Snow: Well... until now i  dont even believe you're Ciara. Who are you?  What have you done to the real Ciara!  Give her back! *she shooks Ciara body*

Ciara: You're so cruel! (ノД')

Ciara explain everything to Snow what happen to her in past 3 years. About she being a dancer but in disguise that's why she wear that outfit. Snow clearly understood since Ciara background is not that simple and Snow know about it.

Snow: So why are you here now?

Ciara: Your parents asking me to fetch you ^∇^) *she keep on staring Snow *

Snow : *rised her eyebrows * Is there something on my face?  (n°-° )?

Ciara: You changed a lot!  Except your cruel indifferent attitude. Still the Snow i know ∩(︶▽︶)∩

Snow: So do you. 100% cannot be identified.

Ciara: Am i some kind of unidentified creatures now?! Σ( ° △ °|||)︴

Snow: *chuckles*

Both of them keep on chatting and reminiscing the past and didn't realize that they already infront of Snow house. Snow parents hearing Snow voice and immediately come out.

Her parents hugging Snow dearly then coming inside the house. Ciara also following them since she gonna spend her time with Snow until her semester break ended.

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