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I was surrounded by police officers, right in the center of the square. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. If I moved, they would shoot. I'd be dead. If I didn't move, they'd unmask me and take me to jail. I only stood there, spinning in circles. I could see up the barrels of each and every pistol, pointed straight at my head.

My breathing grew heavy. Fear overcame me, and I began to shake. I had to do something. I couldn't let them find out who I was. I couldn't let them take my mask off. But, I couldn't let them kill me, either. What would Gwen do if she found out? What would Aunt May do? I had to try.

"Put your hands up!" Captain Stacy said. What would he do if he found out? He would hate me, of course...especially since I was dating his daughter.

I lifted my arms above my head, looking him straight in the eye. I had to do something.

I lowered my arms, shooting webs at everyone's faces, preventing them from seeing me. I needed to escape, and I couldn't let anyone see where I was going. Several guns were fired. My spider senses were triggered, and I dodged the bullets. I heard them ping off of cars and other metal objects. They whirred past my ears.

I saw Captain Stacy shooting at me as well. He stood beside one of the police cruisers. Then he ran out of ammo, having to reload. This was my chance.

I shot webs at several more police officers, then began my escape. I fired a web at a building, and, as my feet left the ground, I heard another gun. Before I could dodge the bullet, I felt a searing pain in my right thigh. I cried out, losing my grip on the web. I smashed onto the hard concrete, sending another shot of pain through my entire body.

I was lying there, crippled and vulnerable, my leg throbbing, as Captain Stacy towered over me. My breathing was now even heavier; I could have passed out. Most of the cops had managed to remove the webs from their faces, and now all of their eyes were once again boring into me.

I was defenseless. They would find out who I was. I would go to prison. But I was only trying to help. Why couldn't they understand that?

Captain Stacy squatted down so he could reach me. A couple of the other police officers ran over to help force me into a sitting position. I bit my tongue, swallowing a scream as more pain overcame me. Black clouds formed at the corners of my vision. My blood trickled onto the concrete. I grew lightheaded.

I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling Captain Stacy remove my mask. I inhaled, sucking in a deep breath, my heart still pounding. Then the cool breeze hit my face. My identity was revealed. I heard gasps.

"Parker," Captain Stacy muttered. He was surprised as well. I forced my eyes open, looking up at him submissively.

All I could manage to say was: "I'm sorry."

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