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The police personally escorted me back home.  A line of police cruisers rode through the streets, calling attention to themselves even in a place like Manhattan.

Hundreds of people stared, trying to figure out what criminal had been arrested this time.  But, no one had.  I had been released.

Instead of being locked up in the back of the cab, I rode in the passenger seat, sitting proudly beside Captain Stacy.  He had given me a pair of jeans and a jacket to cover my suit so my identity wasn't revealed.

Hardly anyone knew of the incident of Spider-Man being arrested in the first place; Captain Stacy and a few others had ordered that it wasn't realeased to the media.  This was the reason.  If I was released, they didn't want the city to turn against Spider-Man, or never forgive him.

Police cars exited the line, turning back to the police station.  Perhaps they'd recieved an order to do so, or maybe a serious crime was occuring in that direction.  Either way, the car I was in was the only one that remained.

Captain Stacy turned the wheel, his hands sliding across it.  The car lurched as it hit a pothole in the road, the one that I had always hated as a child, and then we were home.

Aunt May and Gwen immediately burst from the house.  Tears streaked their faces, now filling with fresh ones.  Captain Stacy gave me a nod, and I leapt from the car, bounding up and into their outstretched arms.


THE END!  Did you enjoy?  :)

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