1. Thanksgiving Parade

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Hi, I'm Lucky Lucy Heartfilia, I am the only daughter of Layla and Jude, I have two brother's one that lives in Magnolia named Laxus, and my other brother lives with me and father named Romeo. My father's business takes him everywhere, I was fine with tutors and moving but my little brother wanted a solid school. So we all decided for Romeo and I to move to Magnolia after Thanksgiving break. My loving and kindhearted father will continue to travel among the seven different houses we have for business. We. Romeo and I, however decided to travel to New York to see the Macy's Day Parade before our move, as is tradition. However we have to be back and ready in Magnolia by seven o'clock at the latest. 

I look back in the crowd and hear a little purple-black haired girl saying, "Big brother I can't see help me get closer." I see a pink haired older brother whose head is down in his phone but being pulled forward by the little girl, and my own little brother is in front of me. "Excuse me sir can you move over a little. So that little girl can see the parade?" I flirt using my gorgeous brown eyes and large chest, though covered, to my advantage. The big man with curly hair says, "Sure," while blushing. He moves over and I wave the little girl down to show I have a spot for her. She runs up beside me with her brother in tow, damn does he not look up from his phone. She gives me a megawatt smile. "I'm Wendy. Thank you for helping me get a closer so I can see."

"No problem, my name is Lucy. And this is my little brother Romeo." I said while brushing a few blonde stray hairs behind my ear. 

"Please ignore my brother. He did not want to come." Wendy says politely. 

"That's fine the parade is about to start." I say looking at my pink android it is eight fifty-nine. 

While the parade is going on I hear from Romeo and Wendy  "eww and ahhh" from all the floats. And "look at that, so cool" and many other phrases of admiration from their mouths while her brother continues to look at his phone. What the heck is so important that is on your damn phone. As the wind picks up I am glad I am wearing a warm maroon colored peat coat with a scarf and gloves. Romeo luckily listened to me and was wearing a scarf, hat and gloves. I look at Wendy, who was starting to shiver and only wearing gloves, and she tries to get close to her brother for the body heat. He at least looks up to notice her shivering and leans more against her to keep her warm. Magic maybe useful at this time but getting Romeo to use his fire magic with everyone so close would be dangerous. I reach into my bag where I had an extra blanket scarf and ear muffs. I tap Romeo on the sholder who sees me nod to a shivering Wendy and figures out what I'm doing and he moves over. "Wendy. Come here." I said to the poor shivering girl. I pulled out the scarf and wrapped it around her neck and pulled out the ear muffs and put them on her ears. As I do that I look up at her brother and was about to give him a piece of my mind.  Her pink headed brother looks down from his phone and his onyx eyes with green flecks meet mine.  "You don't have to." She shyly says. 

I say with confidence and concern, "Wendy you're shivering and we just became friends. I am not going to allow a friend to get sick. Plus I brought extra in case Romeo didn't listen to me.," to which Romeo sticks his tongue out at me, "Now would you like some hot chocolate?" 

"Ok. I will give them back to you later. And yes please." Wendy defeated states. She is just too cute. I can't wait to tell Mira I think I found someone for Romeo. 

"Alright," I pull out a thermos that is still pretty hot and some Styrofoam cups and I feel someone's eyes watching me. I look up and see the pinkette smirk at me. 

He says in a teasing voice, "You have everything in there don't you blondie?" 

"No I'm just prepared this is not my first parade. Would you like one?" I smirk. As I pour the hot chocolate from a green thermos into the cups Wendy and Romeo have. I can see the steam coming from them. 

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