Part 3 - A new friend

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It had been several minutes of walking through roads upon roads of identical houses. Charlotte had noticed people looking at her but never looked back. Underealm monsters had the ability to disguise themselves as humans but the spell would be broken if they made eye contact with a human. The signal got stronger and stronger as she walked along. Sirens could be here'd in the distance and buildings got taller and taller as she looked around in awe. Charlotte was used to teleporting quickly through city's to get to the countryside since that's where her family were used to hunting. Suddenly, a red smoke started to appear, the signal was leading into a bedroom window. She floated up to the window and climbed in. She here'd muffled screaming coming from a room at the far end of a hallway. She crept silently down the hall and turned around the corner into the doorway. Red was the first colour she say as she entered, a tall shadowy figure stood over a mutilated child. It was facing away from Charlotte. The child, who was facing towards Charlotte started to scream through a gag at her. The shadowy figure had noticed his prisoner wasn't paying attention to him, turned to face her. He shot Charlotte an insane smile, the figure was wearing a black and white striped clown suit with feathery shoulders, his hair was black and knotted and his face was white with sharp teeth and a pointy striped cone nose. He picked up an axe from the table and threw it at Charlotte who put up a force field around herself and it shot the axe back at him. He grabbed it with a long extended arm and looked at the women with confusion. Without hesitation, he slammed the axe into the child's heart like a butcher. Blood splattered everywhere. "I mean you no harm, I'm not with the humans!" Charlotte said raising her arms.

"I guess I can trust you, you didn't react at all when I killed that kid," he replied lowering the bloody axe. "Most humans would throw up at the sight of so much blood!"

"What? Did you think I was a human?"

"No... It's just that...well...I've never seen another monster before..."

"Well now you have!" Charlotte smiled kindly at him, "so, what's your name?"

"Jack, Laughing Jack!" He replied with great enthusiasm, "and you?"

"Charlotte! Pleased to meet you!"

They talked to one another for ages, Charlotte told Jack everything about where she lived and what had happened. Jack listened with interest.

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