Chapter 1 Meeting Him

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It wasn't every day she could find herself not cooped up in the class enduring her teacher drone on about the concepts and principles of vectors that one most probably did not need to know in life. Being able to free herself from the torture probably wrought up envy among her other classmates who were probably dying to be in her position; or maybe not since she had to go around the school holding a grim, tattered donation box. She wouldn't have it any other way, and the pleasure from being able to escape class while fulfilling her own side ambitions was too much of a great offer to pass down.

Shuffling down the decades old corridors she peaked into the class, wondering whether she would be able to interrupt the class for a minute. After a look through the small peek window, she gave herself a virtual pat of encouragement on the back before mustering up the strength to push through the doorway. Less than a minute later she found herself out once again in the corridors, the box she was holding still as barren as the first time she had received it. Sighing she wondered how she was going to accomplish her task. Perhaps it would have been better to stay back and listen in class after all.

For the first time in school, they had introduced the Fundraising Committee. Instead of relying on the teachers to collect donations, students were encouraged to help out and contribute to planning events, organizing drives and to go around collecting donations. Of course, when they had released the announcements she had been more than enthusiastic, overjoyed by the fact she would be able to partake in this charitable cause. That memory seems rather timid now that she was very much stuck from achieving anything at the moment, the hollow box sending her brain into overdrive as she wondered how she was going to fare at the rate she was going.

Shaking her head aggressively, she vowed to herself not to send herself straight to the gutter from the dilemma she was facing. After all, if she had easily collected the funds, the job would have been rather meaningless now, wouldn't it? With much resolve she went to the next class, hoping for at least a single dime to bring back to the teacher-in-charge. Repeating the same procedure, she had followed for her previous attempts, she walked finally walked into the next class, her heart praying for the best.

Upon entering, she could hear the noise level slowly transforming into silence speckled with the slight hush sounds made as the whole class wondered the purpose of her presence. All eyes were on her as they watched her shuffle uncomfortably to the occupied teacher's table hoping to make an announcement to the class. The teacher, upon noticing her unannounced entry, sent her a look of annoyance and quickly waved his hands to signify her to make it quick. Wishing to not further interrupt the teacher, she quickly turned towards the class and spoke out.

"Is there anyone who would like to donate to the Children's Wish Society?"

In an instant, the calm atmosphere transformed into one of rapid conversations as students started half-whispering to each other about the topic. Some were pushing friends, snickering at them to pull out money from bulky wallets to help out. All the while she felt rather humiliated; though she was indeed doing her best trying to help out in any way she could and knew that her job was honorary, she couldn't help but feel slightly derogated from the treatment she had thus received from every class so far. All of them had been the same; students passing brief remarks disregarding her presence as she stood for a good few seconds staring at the ground counting down to the minute she would finally leave the room.

Another round of silence passed through and she cocked her head up slowly in surprise of the change of atmosphere. True enough, a tall figure loomed in front of her. A wave of recognition washed across her face as she realized it was one of the more known people in her form. While she had not encountered him throughout her time in school, she had indeed heard of him, the rumors about him never failing to reach her as they spread like wild fire around.

An abrupt cough resounded across the room; her head swiftly swerving towards the source. The look of annoyance was still plastered across the teacher's face and he did not hold himself back from delivering what he wanted to.

"If there's any business done, please do it outside. The whole class doesn't need to see you two flirt."

"Aye. aye, Cher, I'll make sure to send her off like a gentleman," she could hear a voice replied, laced with just the slightest of playfulness and chivalry in his words.

A flush of embarrassment spread across her face, the tint of crimson that obviously indicated her feelings of incredulous towards the situation as ripples of laughter went round the class. Trying to save herself from having to endure further humiliation, she quickly charged out the door, a figure trudging lazily behind her as they both exited the classroom.

She felt herself becoming impatient; by nature, she wasn't someone to be reckoned with so easily neither was she someone who could stand being manipulated by others. But this was what the work was cut out for her, so she endured it. Beaming a smile, she looked up once again to address the person in front of her. Before she could even speak up, he voiced out.

"Is there any Twice song inside the list?"

She was stunned for a moment there, as the guy stared onwards his eyes glistening in hope and excitement. It was the first time she had ever met a guy who held even the slightest interest in k-Pop, not to mention a fan of one of the most famous girl groups out there. Nodding her head, she pulled out a form, gesturing for him to fill it in before making his donations, his hands swiftly taking the paper from her hand as he eagerly made his donations.

"You don't happen to like k-Pop do you?"

With that line escaping through her mouth, she soon found herself launching into a rapid conversation with him as they talked about groups, briefly dismissing and approving the various songs that they have heard before. It was strange, she had never met someone who so easily conversed with her when both of them were clearly strangers, not even acquaintance. Her heart felt oddly at ease with him and she didn't understand why; perhaps it was his perky aura he had around him that allowed her to slightly loosen up.

As everything was done and completed, she quickly sent him back in, afraid that the teacher would come out and brandish her as one of his rendezvous. She could not allow herself to underestimate the strange thoughts running through teachers' minds. A real smile graced her lips as she waved goodbye to him, a gesture he enthusiastically returned before he returned into the room. She too started moving away from the class, making her way towards the others left not intruded,

She halted in her tracks.

Just...what was this odd feeling she was experiencing right now. The slight pounding of her heart that seem different from usual. Perhaps just leftover feelings of excitement from having met someone who had a similar musical taste like her. It wasn't as if she would ever meet him again anyway, this was just another discontinued event in her life. Pacing forward, she suddenly found herself almost being flung forward upon impact as she felt a body collide from behind. Stumbling, she struggled to keep both the person and herself from crashing to the ground.

"I'M SORRY!!!"

Recognizing the familiar voice, she felt at ease once more, and turned around to face the panting girl, her face flushed from the quick dash she had made just seconds ago. Shaking her head, she continued her walk once again, this time with Jazelda pacing beside her. Once again, her best friend had been a little reluctant to leave class, afraid that she would miss the "small little tips that could get me an A*". She was pretty sure that she had left a minute after the class ended, knowing that the girl would have unknowingly stayed behind listening to their teacher drone on.

True enough, she heard the school bell echo across the campus. Tilting her head towards Jazelda, she could see her friend looking at her with the timid, cheeky smile that she always had when she knew she was caught. She chuckled then and then resumed to their her about her failed attempts. She never mentioned the incident with that specific class, or the boy who she had conversed with so easily. It was not worth mentioning anyway, just a small coincidence, not a big deal. At least, that's how she felt then. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2018 ⏰

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