rumor has it

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— "WHO HAVE YOU TOLD?!" The sound of Vi's voice was intimidating, and for the few girls left in the third floor lavatory, the following screech and thump of a body against a stall was enough to send them all running.

Pansy Parkinson was shaking in fear, the ex girlfriend of her crush had ambushed her in the bathroom, looking for answers that she wasn't ready to willingly give. "I- I don't know what you're talking about!" The slytherin head girl had a firm grip on the front of the returning seventh year's robes and pulled her forward only to slam her back roughly against the side of a stall.

The look in Davina St.Claire's eyes was enough to send anybody running, and if the burning fires from hell were fixated on you, you'd scream just as loudly as Pansy did in the next moment.

Three hours earlier

Draco Malfoy woke the morning after the incident in the library to the spreading rumor of the supposed new couples romance. Theodore Nott had been the one to smugly announce the news to him, telling him that his ex girlfriend (the love of his life) was to be going to madame puddifoot's with their savior Harry Potter on the first possible trip to hogsmeade.

He said nothing, and dressed quietly before exiting their old dorm, assuming his spot outside of her door.

She gave him a tired look upon stepping out, dressed in her uniform and he could tell she hadn't slept very well. He figured she just wasn't used to the emptiness of her bedroom, too used to the dorm life and five other girls in the beds next to her.

"Rumor has it that you and Potter are making a trip to madame puddifoot's." He knew she would scoff like she did, Davina never even remembered Harry Potter's name, let alone gave him the time of day. And she certainly would never be caught dead in in Madame Puddifoot's of all places, that point had been made clearly very early in their relationship.

"As if I would even go near that god for saken place." She says, turning to him with a harsh glare that he had come to love. "Who ever gave you that idea?"

He shrugged, not wanting to give away his asshole of a dorm mate. "Just a rumor." Her eyes went wide and she turned to face him. "Where did it even start anyway?"

She had a familiar realization in her expression before it turned cold and she gave him a polite smile. Draco knew that the St.Claire's had a certain reputation in his world, and as sweet as Davina was, she lived up to that reputation more than anybody in her family, and judging by the cold look in her blue eyes, he knew that he should be fearful for whoever she was about to unleash her wrath upon.

"If you'll excuse me, i need to go find my lost pug." She grinds out, knowing exactly how the rumor had started, she brushes past him and heads back towards the Slytherin common room.

He wonders if he should follow her before she gets too far, but desires against it as his stomach grumbles.

"Parkinson, If you don't start running that big mouth of yours, so help you God, I will break your fucking face." Davina's family was known for short tempers and brutal out comes, and she's was known to be the worst one despite her usually nice demeanor. For good measure, the witch slams her against the stall once more.

Pansy has heard rumors of this side of her, but has always thought it was because of her brothers short temper, therefore she had never experienced this level of anger or fear. "W-Weasley!" She screeches, trying to hold back the terrified tears that were threatening to fall down her face. "The Weasley girl! I told the Weasley girl!"

Davina stepped back from Pansy, no longer furious at her now that she has her answers. She straightens the girls robes and gives her the fakest smile she could before glaring once more. "You're pathetic." She says, turning on her and exiting the bathroom as her housemate sinks to the stone floor.

"That sounded out of hand, twin of mine." Maxwell says, he had been leaning against the wall outside the lavatory, keeping watch after being warned by Draco (with whom he was now friends with again) that she was angry.

"It's fine." She says cooly, headed for the great hall for lunch and to seek out the ginger girl.

Maxwell knew by her tone that she was too far gone, and the best he could do now is follow her and keep her from stepping over the line. He had heard the rumors and couldn't quite say that he blamed her for being so angry, but wondered what caused her to lose a fuse over it. She had been the face of rumors before, and never had she ever lost it only the third day.

"Weasley!" The blonde teen yells, catching the attention of the female and her older brother, as well as the whole hall as it falls eerily silent. She didn't care that teachers were watching, and other students.

She only saw the smug smirk on the
teens face, and only felt the anger welling up inside of her. That was what would lead her into trouble, and she should have stopped herself while he still could. But she doesn't, and neither does Mac, and that's how they both wound up in double detentions on the third day of term.

Aye she's short but we're here for her
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