Chapter 3

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Sitting here trying to wait patiently for the day I finally get signed is torture. I am so ready to start a new life, a new me. I can see my self now, stepping onto the field with everyone screaming my name.

I can hear it now, number sixty-one wide receiver, Nate Sanders. I worked to hard not to have this moment in my life. All the late night practices and early morning runs finally paid off. I know my dad is proud of me my whole life has been wrapped around football seeing that my dad use to play for the New England Patriots.

The only thing I need in my life to make it perfect is someone to share it with. But, I know that there is a one in a million chance finding the right girl for me that isn't after money. Honestly I'm not trying to be caught up in any girl that is into trapping a guy for money. Like my dad says "We don't love these hoes"

Or maybe I can just ask .....No, I couldn't go down that road with these hoes, they out for one thing and one thing only, money. And when you run out they move on breaking your heart in the process.

I think he was talking about my mom when he told me that. My mom made some dumb choices in the past that I don't think neither one of us will get past. Til this day I rarely call her mom. That's how bad she hurt us. The past is in the past forgive and forget ,right?


Waking up this morning I felt determined to do something about my situation, but then laziness and the sound of my son crying made come back to real life. Its going to be while before I will be able to get back on my feet again. Maybe I should ask.... Nahh he wasn't there before what makes me think he will be here now?

Looking down at my son I felt self pity taking over. I have no one I can count on, no one to turn to. My own mother kicked me out, my siblings wouldn't take me in and my baby"s father didn't want me or our son. What do I do now?

"Hey girl," Steph exclaimed as she descended the stairs. Her usual honey blonde shortcut was replaced with a long auburn sew in. I was always in the house tending to Khalil or cleaning so I never really noticed her whereabouts." Hey, I love the new do."

She waved me off and leaned her yoga mat against the wall. I never took her as a yoga person but she says it works. " I'm just trying something different but I have good news," she took a seat next to Khalil's diaper bag. "I know that you've been looking for a job and a place to stay so I pulled a few strings and you start tomorrow!"

"Wha-What? How did you ge-"

"Nevermind all that, you just need to start looking at furniture and clothes for you and the baby."

"I can't tell you how grateful I am right now , Thanks so much" I got up hugging her tight.

"Girl you family its no problem now get ready" she said leaving the room.

"Why couldn't Derrick be like that" I said to myself.

I got up and started packing me and Khalil things so we can finally leave this shelter. I have to think of a way to pay Stephanie back for all she have done for me.


For the past few days, I've been looking for her. I wonder if she will remember me, or how would she react to me popping up? I mean I did hurt her in the past, but she is the love of my life.

Maybe Steph can help me, I wonder if she went back to her moms or if she went to a shelter? All I know is that I need to find her.

I pulled up to her mother house and knocked on the door, minutes later a tall buff dude answer the door.

"Yo what you want kid?" He asked irritated.

"Is Kaiya here?" I asked the man stepping back.

"Nahh she not here boy she got kicked out and probably some where homeless where she belongs" He replied back laughing.

I looked at the man, mugging him before walking away to my car. I have to find her, I need some answers to clear my mind, I just need her back. I know yall thinking I'm whipped but its not even like that to be honest.


I walked around my new apartment really happy. I can't believe someone would do such a thing for me, growing up I always learned that you had to do things on your own. My family are loving but they are complete assholes who only think about themselves.

I looked at the apartment and I most defiantly liked what I saw and the best part is Steph lives on the floor beneath me. All my life I had to take care of my self, but to have help from another person blows my mind. I am truly grateful that I've met a person like Steph she is completely the angel of my life.

Thinking back on my life, I'm surprised to still be this strong. My heart has been broken numerous of times but not compared to how Derrick broke my heart. The one thing that brings joy to my life is my son, he means the world to me. Can't nobody ever bring me as much happiness as he do, he is my world, my light, my everything. As long as I have him, me and my son are going to straight regardless what life throws at us. I've come to learned these past months I don't need no help from a man, especially one that can't make me happy. As for right now love is just gone have to wait, I need to focus on me and my child.



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