Chapter 14

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Chloe's POV
Sunday had came by once again, and yet again we were having Sunday dinner with Zoe, Joe and Tracey. I still couldn't quite get my head around it, but it was happening like it had the week before and the week before that, but every once in a while I pinch my self to make sure that I am not dreaming, and no I wasn't, it was really nice being able to spend time with them, as it meant that I could see them as members of the family and not just a bunch of people I watch behind a screen, they are people that I know personally and they know me.
"Right how about we do a games night?" Asked dad
"Really dad?" I said in a questioning tone
"Yeah why not, it could be fun" said Dad "you guys up for it?" He said looking at Zoe, Joe and Tracey.
"Yeah sure" they all said
"Carlisle?" Said dad in questioning
"I'll pass" said Carlisle getting up and putting his plate in the sink and then leaving the kitchen
"Right then it looks like it's just us five then" said dad
"Um, I've got homework to do" I said getting up and putting my plate in the sink and then leaving the kitchen, I went upstairs and into Carlisle's room.
"Thought you were doing games night with dad and the others" said Carlisle
"Urgh no way" I said
"What did you tell him?" Asked Carlisle
"I told him I had homework to do" I replied
"And do you"? Asked Carlisle
"No" I said and then I sat down on his bed
"What are you doing?" Asked Carlisle
"Sitting on your bed" I said
"Well yeah I know that, I mean what are you doing in here?" Asked Carlisle
"What does it look like?" I said sarcastically
"Just get out" said Carlisle
"Why? Come on we never hang out anymore" I said
"So?" Said Carlisle
"Fine then I'll go and join dad and the others" I said getting up off the bed
"Of course you want to go and join them" Carlisle scoffed
"Well you don't want me here" I said
"Why do you like them so much"? Asked Carlisle
"What do you mean"? I asked confused
"I mean there not that great, mom was way better than Tracey" said Carlisle
"Is that what you really think of them and Tracey isn't trying to replace mom, she knows that she'll never replace her" I said
"I know, but sometimes it feels like she's trying to" said Carlisle his voice breaking and then I saw a tear run down his face, I sat down on the bed and I put my arm around me and he buried his head in my chest, I hated it when Carlisle cried, but I comforted him as best as I could
"Sorry, i know you hate it when I cry" Said Carlisle sitting up
"No don't be, but you should have told me how you was feeling" I said
" I didn't want to ruin things for you and dad, you've both seemed so happy lately" Said Carlisle
"But dad, just wants us to be happy, he won't be happy if we're not" I said
"I mean I like Tracey and Zoe and Joe, there great, but I don't know, I guess it's cause I'm not used to it" Said Carlisle
"And it will take time to get used to, but you'll see this will work out" I said and Carlisle smiled and nodded at me.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter sorry it's so short it's more of a filler chapter x

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