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Aiah's P.O.V

I woke up by the sound of my alarm clock makes I lazily drag my feet toward the shower then after I got to my closet picking up my uniform I got down only to see my unnies who are very special to me Precious is cooking Jay ann is in her phone and Rose is taking a small nap is the counter I guess waiting for the breakfast? oh well...  I greeted them cheerfully

Aiah:Good morning!!
Jay ann: Good morning!
Precious: oh morning c'mon breakfast is all ready
Rose:good morning Aiah! c'mon let's all eat I am starving....*tummy grumbles*
Aiah: yes you are unnie *I said giggling*
all:all set

after we finished the delicious breakfast precious made we got into our car  YES! we live together ....And we quickly drove into school....

*time skip*

as we directly arrived we already can hear people screaming our names in the top of their lungs

which made our day happy seeing people care for is loves us gives us importance ..

BOYS: Aiah! Jay ann! Precious! Rose!

we smiled at them in return ...wanna know why are we popular in every county YES I mean every country..

its because of our successful parents their parents and my parents have been partners for years  in rows already Thats how I also got to know them they introduced me to them as they introduced them to me They're very goofy and funny thats when we started to get along we treat each of is as sisters no body is left out. we started to hangout until we decided to move out in a huge mansion together were all friends since I was in kindergarten
they protected me alot...makes fun of me alot♡...but all of those are the memories I cherished alot also..

we smiled to them in return as we are all in the same class AB our 'ENEMIES' just popped right out of nowhere which we hated ...we hate them as much as they hate us ....we are not easy we are known for good grades , faces , morals, attitude , and many more But I cant just handle it when I am near them I just want to broke their faces but I dont want to disappoint my parents so I always try not to do something I might regret .....

And they are BTS And TWICE the persons I hated the fucking most!
well let me make things clear Twice is a girl group which forms sluts ...ugh!
they are known for having always trouble, bad grades, attitude, well they always pretend we purposely jist bump right into them and steal their 'OPPAS'
which is getting out of hand ...!

And for BTS who cannot stay loyal even just for one day they ask a girl out have sex play with their hearts then boom finished were over and they do it again and again ...... .every day I see them making out in the hallways infront of my beloved neat locker, stair corridors,comfort rooms,stock room which is hella disgusting ....

Jay Ann: Ugh! why on earth are they here?! doing it again?!infront of my locker?!

Aiah:easy girl and yeah you really have to wait until they finish making out c'mon watching the wants to puke the shit right out of me ....

and we then turn around then bump into TWICE I cant see that they did it on purpose again!

keana:yah! bitch watch were your going!!
jessica :yeah right you better watch my clothes aren't germs proof it cant be near around toxic people like you bitch.!!! eewww yuck *she said wiping the 'GERMS' that we just spread*

they was getting into my nerves ughh!! I hate them so fucking  much!!!

Aiah:*I scoffed* well you see me? as a bitch have you been watching your self in the mirror lately?!and look whos talking are you sure those definitions are for me not for you? you sure? cuz I aint sure its for me ya'know just saying the real truth around here...

I roasted her again

Aiah: And us germs? well look who's taking a slut who has slept with every other guys here in school ...pretending to bump into us so then cry like a baby saying we are hurting you putting make up in order to look like bruises?putting a huge scandal around saying we attacked first !? you hoes do you have even have sins?! I guess thats a big no cuz I cant see one either..
I am already sick of this Eveytime can you guys give your self's a break or what Cant you see were having a perfect mood here Until you guys fucking came then ruin everything
I am sick tired of this bullshit can you just leave us today ...?? or what maybe you want me to break you guys up so you guys can have a hospital break ya'know?! hoes !!!

they walk away embarrassed at what I said it was pretty long so they have no guts to respond to it ,bitches!
I have no intention to get into a huge scandal we just let it flow....and I  also known being swag sassy so yeah....

author:I love you all so much please support me this is my first ff thank you!!♡

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