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"Grace you know how she feels about this subject I mean she had it harder than both of us and then she would still come to our rescue, "Carla said

"And I would do it all over again to know who else is alive," I ask

"You know I love u and Carla's dad is slive how we are all still trying to figure it out, "Grace says

"What's ur plan alpha," Carla asks me due to my silence

"Werewolves we can either hunt our prey or wait for to come to us you guys pick I've said my verdict," I say and smirk.

"I can feel her smirking I'll go load ur gun Alessia" grace says with a sigh

"You know me so well I don't know if I should be happy or worried,"i tell her and we laugh.

"Probably both Carla said with a laugh ok were at the gang house and dont worry we have lucy and everyone is working hard me and josh are tracking our dads right guys"carla says

"RIGHT. ALPHA WE WONT LET YOU DOWN"i heard everyone say in unison and i couldnt help but smile and think about how we bulit that team that empire i raise my sleeve and look at my wolf tattoo with alpha written under.

"Did you burn down the house while i was gone like last time"i tell them and laugh.

"Hey! Sombody should have told me aluimin couldn't go in the microwave"grace shouts in defense.

"Did you not play attention in school"carla asks her

"Yeah i payed attention to lunch and the clock"grace duhs carla

It takes a minute before me and carla bust out laughing and so do some of the people in the room.

"Oh alessia dont act so bad you just watched the clock and waited for lunch too"grace says tryin to take me down with her.

"Ok one i got straight A's two im not sorry"i said back

"Ok Eliza Schylur "grace says back

"Peggy"i bark back at her

"Hey why do i have to be angelica" carla whines

"Shut up angelica"me and grace both bark at the same time.

"How rude"she says and huffs

"Whatever you guys have to pull a schylur sister work bye"i say

"Bye and come back soon" they both say in unison

I sit back down"how the hades did i go from ticked of in the begining of the convo to happy and smiling at the end i knew i was soft by dang,i might need a therapist after this showdown"i say with my hands over my face

"So your apart of the second largest mafia in the world"the nice lady asks

"Yes ma'am"i say and look back up at her

"So where is your leader do they know the number one mafia leadr has you"blaze says making im eye contact witg me

"Yes she does and she is beyond livid that you have me"i say with a smirk

"She?" Marshall comments

"Yes. she don't tell me your sexist"i say looking at him

"Of course not"marshall says pulling me back in his arms

"Good becuase you were say good bye to our friendship"i tell him

"And that butt"noah said the man who was in the back seat with me and baldy.

"Who's your leader i want to become allies"blaze said

"Well you might have ruined your chances with that"i say

"Why"he raises and eyebrow confused

"Because im the leader"i say with a smirk and wink

"Wait so thats why they called you alpha "noah says

"Yup"i sad popping the p

"But they said that the leader had half sliver half black hair"baldy says

I turn to look at marshall and he raises and eyebrow"take off your shirt and give it to me"i deadpen

"There are children around besides if you wanted to see me naked you couldve just asked"marshall said

"Here"blaze said handing me his shirt

I felt my hair it was still wet and in a bun so i so it out and just wipped the end of my hair to revile my sliver hair under the black.

"Thanks" i say handing him his shirt back"

Marshall runs his fingers threw my hair"thats explains your calmness while getting kidnap"he says still playing in my hair

"Yup"baldy and noah say

"Marshall dont get to attached"blaze says

"Shes my friend"marshall whines

"Shes the help"blaze agrues back

"Thats lie i have to go home or else that killers goning to ruin my empire and finish what he started all those years ago and even though im not afraid to die i wouldnt dare risks my team no my families life just to be your help i dont have time for that"i snap at him and growled

"Son let her go back"blazes father said

My phone began ringing and i answer without looking at caller i.d

"What"i bark.

"There you are an ocean away do you have to live and ocean away"i heard his voice sing


"Hey our kid is pretty great"i dung back

"Wait you had a baby how do u know its mine"jay yells and i just laughed

"Cause you know you used to be a heart your favorite line was 'its not me its you bye'"he laughed to

"Jakey poo don't be like and we fidnt do anything that was just a fantasy you had of me"i smirk

"Well you know i have alot of those" hey bites back

"ok i dont want to talk about the dreams you have of me"i tell him

"Ok there was one where me and you were in the bed an-" he started but i cut him off

"I told you i dont want to hear about it jay what the heck"i tell him honestly

"Ok well im crossing the ocean and i just cant wait to see that sext face"he says

"I now see why you dont have a girlfriend i know why all the girls run the other way now"i bluntly tell him

"Ouch thats hurts wifey"he whines

"When did i become wifey"i ask and see blaze stiffen

"Since me and you were young duh "he said

"Ok hun your dreams dont count and i dont plan on tying the night anytime soon."i tell him and see blaze relax but frown

"See you in an hout wifey"he say and hangs up

"I swear we all that when he grew up he would act less childish but clearly 27 years of life just isnt good enough for him poor jakey"i shake my head

"Can we go to my office alessia"blaze says and walks out the room

"If i don't come back in an hour im dead"i say and follow him

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