Chapter 4- Fresh Start

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"Ok, thankyou Maxy, when you're like this I do truly love you" says Em.

"Love you too, now let's go sort things out with Ansel shall we" I say gesturing we link arms.

*End of Recap*

Emily's POV

As we linked arms Max lead me down the stairs to reach Ansel. Again our eyes connected and I have him a small sympathetic smile as if saying everything's gonna be okay, he gives me a small smile before seeing Max and his face instantly drops.

"Look Im sorry, I know I shouldn't have feelings for yo-" begins Ansel.

"No, I'm the one who should be sorry, I overreacted, I can't help what you feel, if you like my sister than fine, Ansel all I'm saying is you clearly love Em and Em clearly loves you and you know what,
I'm happy for you too" said Max before adding "just don't hurt her otherwise I may have to bash you a little" smiled Max.

"I would never even think about it in my wildest dreams" says Ansel.

"You know what Ansel let's start fresh in our friendship and put this behind us ok"? Asks Max.

"I would love that mate" says Ansel getting up and giving Max a bro hug.

Max unlinks our arms as Ansel gives him a bro hug, when Ansel finishes his face lit up when he looked at me, but then looked back at my brother as if to say 'is it okay to hug you're sister'.

"Go ahead you love birds" says Max with a reassuring smile.

"I'll leave you too to it" says Max happily walking away.

No sooner did Max walk away I was in the arms of Ansel. I snuggled into his chest and smiled.

"I'm happy you too sorted it out" I said with a huge grin on my face. Ansel smiled.

"So am I, I get to see you" says Ansel, my face goes bright red and I try to hide it.

"Aww Em are you blushing" ask Ansel smirking.

"No" I say playfully punching him in the chest.

Ansel just smiles to know he has this beautiful girl in his arms and if things keep going like this he might even ask her to be his girlfriend.


OMG thanks lovelys for the 39 reads and the 5 votes, love you all ahah
Sorry it took awhile for this chapter and all :)

Please remember to vote and comment :)

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