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WARNING!!! This story is not for the faint of heart. Please only 15 or older. Do not report just don't read. Mature audiences only.

Official rating: PG-13 or R

Some viewers may find the following story disturbing. Viewer discretion is advised.

(Kaneki's POV)


I awake in a cold empty room. The place is damp and lifeless. The silence is nerve wracking leaving me on edge. My breath leaves my body leaving a cold shudder. I can't think straight. I hear a door creak open. Then footsteps. Then a bright light shines in my face. The voice speaks.


Chapter 1

I rub my eyes as I'm waking in the same dorm room I have for the past year now. Today was an off day for me, so that just meant my friend Hide and I would be going to this coffee shop we found. We've been going there for a while now and they are probably have the best coffee ever. I finish changing and then begin to open my door. Hide is already standing there with his hand up which leads me to presume he was about to knock. I let out a small laugh and we begin to walk. Talking was never our biggest priority. Especially since we had to stay on edge. Gangs have been getting worse and worse. So bad that people have wound up dead, so we have to watch out. Finally we reach Anteiku Café. We sit down and the aroma of coffee is very strong.

A girl that appears to be somewhat around our age walks up to take our order. We order and then Hide gives me a wink.

"She's kind of cute."

I roll my eyes and presume to say, "Hide you know I'm done with dating because of the whole Rize situation."

His face goes blank and sets his hand on my shoulder, "they'll catch her. I'm sure of it."

Rize is my one and only ex. I know, crazy. I went out with her one time and it turns out she was apart of some gang. She had beat me to a pulp. I ended things with her and the very same night she had stuck into my parents house. She ended their lives that night and she's been on the run ever since. She's one of the reasons why I can't sleep at night. My parents did nothing. Nothing and this is what they got. I never even got to say goodbye. I'm not even the one who found them. This happened a year ago. Ever since then I vowed off dating until I can be sure I can trust people again.

My face goes blank as I begin to think of my parents. I can tell Hide realises he shouldn't have brought it up. Our coffee finally comes out and I let the warmth warm my body. We begin to just laugh at the other about anything. Then the news comes on.

".... attention. The alleged gang member/murderer has been caught. Rize Kamishiro was caught just last night. She's has been taken into custody and given the death penalty after she murdered a couple in the middle of the night. This is a huge step into catching the gang memebers. Their leader otherwise known as the "Gourmet" is still unknown. We are hoping one day we can at least see what they look like."

Tears flood my eyes. They caught her. Hide jumps up with joy and then hugs me. The employees stare at me and then begin to cheer as well. She's been caught.

"Who's the Gourmet?" Hide asks.

"Seriously, you don't know..." I ask and he shakes his head, "The Gourmet is just the leader of the whole operation. They were given the name because they like to feast on the screams of their victims. We know nothing about them. Not even a simple fact of if they are a guy or girl."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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