chapter 3

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There was a monster living in their house.

Their house

Sure, this was the first time this had happened, but keyword,

First time

It could happen again

It could-it could 
It could happen to me

Thoughts like these raced through Menma's head

At least he had survived the day

Unlike his twin sister

Angry blue tears threatened to leak out of his puffy eyes, sore from crying so much.

His sadness came from the loss of his kin, his half for Kami's sake!

She had been gutted out by that monster's bare hands.

I bet he enjoyed it.

The death had been messy, far messier then needed

So he came to the conclusion that Naruto, it hurt to speak its name had, in fact, had fun.

It was obvious by the way he was smiling and had blood leaking from his mouth.

Oh, yea did I mention that?
He's a cannibal.

So first he's going to kill me,
Then he'll eat me after?

Nice-completely good.

Glad to know he won't die for anything at least.

Anyway, Menma was scared.

He was terrified of his twin's murderer.

And he wasn't the only one affected by this tragedy.

Kushina and Minato were also affected by their oldest child's behavior.

Is he even their child anymore..?

But of course he is, right?

This was what the Hokage's present dilemma.

'Although, usually kin don't...And they don't either...
He was such a sweetheart before....'

It hurt to think.

Seeing that this train of thoughts was leading nowhere, Minato resigned to stare at people in front of him - the council actually.

"....So, therefore, Naruto is going my special training site, with a lot of supervision by Anbu at All Time. The child will learn to control his powers as a bonus"

That sounded completely good on paper, but Minato knew that all it would do is make Naruto an even greater weapon. And, now thinking clearer, Naruto is family.

So, with a resigned sigh escaping his lips, he argued 'till night fell and finally, they agreed to it, with obvious requirements.

One of them being Minato kept a closer eye on Naruto, 'cause he will keep living with him in his house.

He suddenly isn't so sure about all of this.


Kushina was known as many things, emotional being one of them.

When she saw trails of blood dripping from the ceiling,

She screamed.

There was blood everywhere.

She saw her young daughters stomach, insides out sluggishly, having been ripped out of their designed space. The face still, with dulled unseeing eyes.

Her mind went blank.

She numbly noted her oldest child laying next to his deceased sibling.

She also blankly noted that her other child passed out 'cause of the trauma she guessed.

She's pretty sure Minato already left to get help, but she knew something was for sure;

They are now down 1 child out of three.

Only a fourth of the family that she had just created was left.

She was not going to let what happened in the past happen again.

The killer will suffer her fury, that's for sure.

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