Twenty-The Wedding

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I sat in a chair, in my white silk robe as my mother did my hair, and one of her friends did my make up. Everyone was still in their robes, besides the women, Ana, who did my make up. She wore a knee lenght brown dress. I could see Toni taking photos of everyone while we were getting ready and it made me laugh a little.

Toni, Cheryl, and Ethel were my bridesmaids, Betty was my maid of honor. Sweetpea got the boys all some metal cups, which was my idea. Betty walked with Fangs, Toni walked with Archie, Cheryl walked with Jughead, and Ethel walked with Moose. I had given the four girls robes, and necklaces, along with a litttle pillow that had their names on it, those are the robes they were at the moment. My mom wore her pink and black leopard print one that went to her ankles, while all of ours ended above our knees.

Kevin was in the room with us, helping if he had too, but mostly so he could talk to me so I wasn't bored out of my mind. We were having the wedding out at a cabin a few hours away that we rented out, and tonight everyone would leave here and Pea and I would have the place to ourself for a few days.

I had a ton of butterflies in my stomach as I talked to Kevin and got my face and hair done. I was excited to marry Sweetpea and I'm pretty sure I was gonna cry when I walk up to him. There was a knock on the door, before Cheryl ran over and cracked it open, just where they couldn't see me but I was watching. "It's Fangs, if it okay if he comes in?" she asked while looking at me, and I nodded before she let him come in.

I smiled and let ou a little laugh when I seen him in his pants, his shirt, and holding his tie. "I'm admiting to defeat, and the other guys are all busy so can someone help me" he asked, looking around. Alice, who was in the corner, ran over to help him. She wore a dark brown dress that ended mid thigh, and hugged around her body.

I turned my head back as Ana started to apply eye shadow and my mother said she was done with my hair. "I'm going to go check on guests" mom said as she walked over to her dress where it hung up before she dropped her robe and started to put it on. It was a mustard yellow, and went to her knees, also hugging her body. Alice and herself walked out together.

Soon I was standing up with my mom beind me as she zipped my dress up, once again I could see Toni taking photos of us. Now everyone wore their dresses, and Betty was holding Sweetpea's ring on her own finger, although it was way to big for her. We all snuck over to the door, just as the men made there way in and said it was about to start.

Toni put her camera down, leaving it to the women mom hired now. I grabbed my bouquet from my mom, before she started to walk as mother of bride. Fp walked as father of the husband since Sweet's didn't want his family here, and Fp almost cried when he asked him. It made me smile and laugh though.

Fp and Mom walked out, and sat in chairs in the front. Mom sat in the one beside the chair with Donny's jacket on it. As my mom and Fp walked out, the song Marry Me by Train started to play but a cover by Josie and the Pussycats as they stood in the back, behind the audience. Betty and Fangs walked out, then followed Toni and Archie, before Cheryl and Jughead, then Ethel and Moose. I looked at Fred and he smiled at me before I wrapped my arm around his and I heard shifting, glancing out before the door infront of me opened, and I looked straight down the isle to Sweetpea, who turned to Fangs and they high fived, causing me to laugh a little as we started to walk out.

The song played all the way until a finish when Fred handed me to Sweetpea. "Ladies and gentlemen, you may be seated" the preist told everyone, before I heard shifting.

I tuned out the whole wedding as I stared up at Sweets. "The rings" I heard him say, and we both turned around, I took Pea's from Betty and gave her a smile before turning back to Pea. I placed his on his hand first, before he did mine and I smiled at it before looking up again. I must have been out of it, because the next things I heard was my name.

"Do you, Caden Darling Mason-" "I do" I cut him off, hearing people laugh, adn I blush as Sweetpea laughed too. I shook my head as my head fell down and I stared at our feet. "You may kiss the bride" I looked up quickly and Sweetpea placed his hands on either side of my face before leaning down to kiss me, and I put mine on his sides as I tippy toed, before we pulled away.

Riverdale is my Forever.

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