5..6..7..8..breathe in..1..2..3..4...breathe out...
I continue this cycle over and over as I practice the hip hop routine that was taught over 3 hours ago. The lady who normally locks up has left the keys to me and told me to lock up when I leave. Once the music ends I plop myself onto the cold wood floor.
After about five minutes I sit up and check my watch.
11:07 pm
I should probably head back home, I still have that essay I need to work on. I force myself up and grab my phone and belongings before leaving, turning out the lights and locking up the studios. I look around expecting my ride but it's not here.
I pull out my phone and call my best friend Yoongi.
"Yes?" His groggy voice answers.
"Hey can you come pick me up?" I asks sheepishly.
"Oh, shit, yeah. I'm on my way." He says before hanging up. I hold my phone in my two hands and hold it close to my chest, anxiously waiting his arrival until I see his familiar silver 2018 Honda Accord pull up through the empty parking lot. I walk over to the passenger side and collapse into the seat.
"How was it?" He asks once he starts driving again.
"I bet, I could smell you from down the street," he says sending a gummy smile my way. I punch his arm and stifle a laugh. "I'm sorry I overslept."
"It's fine, it happens."
We reach my apartment and thank him before getting out.
"Hey, I'll pick you up tomorrow after your class, yeah?"
"Yup," I say before he drives off sending me a thumbs up. I go inside and up the dreaded 3 flights of stairs. I unlock my door and throw my bag on the counter. I shut the door and lock it behind me and rush to my room.
I take the fastest shower in the history of showers and jump in bed, finally being able to breathe. I hop on my phone and scroll through Instagram after deciding not to finish that essay tonight.

@ipurpleyou has followed you.
@ipurpleyou has liked 6 of your posts.
@ipurpleyou commented on your post.

"Love your posts, we should collab soon😉"

I raise my eyebrow in question and roll my eyes.
"Yeah, right," I say under my breath before putting my phone on the charger and going to bed.

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