Origin Story

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Sitting in her office in the basement of the FBI building she stared at her case file. She loved being on the X-Files, maybe it was because her dad had always raised her believing in UFO's and other beings or that she felt a connection to her parents being in their old office. Either way it was the happiest she had been. At only 23 she was the youngest agent the buro had seen come through their doors. Her partner was Jack Harding, a 30 year old agent who had been a part of the Phoenix team before being transferred to DC. He was dedicated and she admired him. Her dark sat in the corner while his sat in a room off to the side almost spitting distance from each other in the small space.

"Morning" Jack said as he came in with the usual coffee and doughnuts. Handing her the long John she smiled and took it from him.

"Thanks" she said taking a bite.

"How long have you been here?" He asked slipping off his raincoat.

"Just an hour, kept thinking about the woman we found. Something about her..." She sighed laying the picture back down.

"What?" Jack asked looking back at her.

"I feel like I know her." She sighed.

"Because you do." A voice said from the doorway. Looking up she saw her mom with a file.

"What did you get?" Sam asked as her mom handed Jack the file.

"The girl you found is Samantha." Scully replied looking at Sam.

"Who's Samantha?" Jack asked

"My aunt, she disappeared when she was a kid. My dad always thought she had been abducted. It's why he wanted to go into the X-Files." Sam explained. "Are you sure it's her?"

"Yeah, I had them run some other tests just to be sure. Everything matches."

"But she doesn't look old enough. I mean she should only be a few years younger than dad. She's in her late 30's."

"I know, I can't explain it."

"Time could be different. If she was taken then maybe they were able to alter time. What's longer to us is shorter to them. A lot of cases say that the abducted felt they had only been there a few hours and it turns out to be more like days or weeks. Years in rare cases."

Sam sat down letting out a sigh before looking to her mom. "Dad needs to know." She breathed. "Will you come with me?" Scully nodded.

"I'll go to the hospital, see if I can't get anything." Jack said grabbing his coat again.

"Thanks" Sam replied.

Reaching out Scully took her hand squeezing it gently. "How do I tell dad? He's lived with this for so long. And I don't even have answers for him." Sam sniffed.

"You can tell him with confidence that it's her. And I'll be right there with you."

Sam nodded grabbing her jacket before following her mom out.

Getting to her parents house she was suddenly even more nervous. Biting her lip she looked at her mom who gave a soft smile. The front door opened as she walked up the steps and her dad smiled at her.

"There are my two favorite girls. What are you doing home?" Fox asked.

"I wish I could say it was just because I wanted to say hi." Sam replied.

"Whats going on?" Fox stepped onto the porch.

"Dad, I don't know how. But Samanthas alive." She mustered. Fox looked to Dana who nodded.

"Where is she?"

"The hospital, Jack went to talk to her but she's been in and out of councousness since we found her."

"When did you find her?"

"Yesterday, a hunter found her in the woods in Verginia. She had this scar on her back. It's why we got called in on it. Does it mean anything to you?" Sam said handing him a photo. Her back covered in an intricate drawing.

Fox shook his head, "Can I see her?"

Sam nodded. The drive to the hospital was long and quiet. She hadn't ever seen her dad this nervous. Clearing her throat she glanced at her dad in the passenger seat.

"Before houses her there is something you should know. One of the biggest things with this is how she looks." Sam said.

"What do you mean?"

"We think that the possibility of her being abducted is possible and if she was, it could be proof of time and space differences. Dad, she only looks to be in her thirties."

Fox laid his head back against the seat.

"I ran every test I could think of to be sure it was her." Dana added from the back seat.

Fox sighed, "has she said anything?"

"Not that I know of.  Jack's with her right now.  Every time we tried to get anything from her she wouldn't talk.  I'm hoping she'll talk to you." Sam replied. 

It wasn't much longer till they reached the hospital and Sam lead her parents to the hospital room. Jack was outside the room with another officer. Seeing them he excused himself and walked towards them. Shaking Foxs hand.

"How is she? Has she talked yet?" Fox asked.

"She's asleep right now. But I was able to talk to her a little bit. She's confermed the accounts of what we have on file for your sister. Everything from playing the game with you to the lights. Her memory is foggy but she remembers having tests run on her. She was getting, overwhelmed so I thought I would let her rest." Jack said glancing into the room.

"I'm going to go talk to her doctor. See about getting and MRI and a CAT Scan. Will you be okay?" Dana asked laying her hand on Mulders arm.

Nodding he gave a soft reassuring smile. "yeah, I'm gonna sit with her till she wakes up."

"Okay" She said squeezing his hand before walking towards the nurses station.

Sam looked at her dad, "are you okay?" She asked.

"I never thought I would see her again." He sighed.

"She's here dad, I promise. And if it helps, she's wanted to see you."

Fox looked at her shocked.

"Go be with her. Mom and I will be here if you need us." Sam replied pushing him into the room with a slight smirk.

Turning around she walked towards Jack who was looking over her aunts file. Sitting down next to him she glanced at the file. "What are you looking for?" Sam asked.

"I'm not sure, just a bizarre case." He replied closing the file. "How are you doing?" He asked.

Sam shrugged, "I grew up in a house where I always knew that something had happened to her. I mean you've met my dad. He believes in the unbelievable, and he believed in abduction. This isn't some smoke and mirrors trick."

"We don't have anything to go off of till she wakes up and can tell us more." Jack replied.

"I know, go home, I'll call you when she wakes up." Sam said, Jack got up squeezing her shoulder gingerly as he passed.

Dana walked up glancing in the room towards her husband. Turning to Sam she leaned against the wall. "I told Fox I wanted to name you after Samantha and I think that might have been the happiest I've ever seen him. This is going to be hard for him."

"You really think that she remembers. That she could have been taken and have answers that dad, that generations of people have been searching for?" Sam asked.

"I think that's wishful thinking, as much as we all want answers."

Sam laid her head against the wall looking up at the ceiling. This was going to be a long wait for the truth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2018 ⏰

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