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A/n hey this is a dream and I played this when I was little so I wrote a fanfic about it. Hope you like it

Voldemort had arrived again. He was stronger than he was in the first wizarding war. The second war was approaching quickly. Death eaters had invaded Hogwarts and no one knew what to do. 

Hermione was searching the grounds through a big crowd. She was calling for harry. She needed to get to him. She needed  to  know if he was okay. last she saw of him he was going with Dumbledore to some disclosed place. Her mind was running with all the bad things that could have happened to him.

She searched in every hallway for him. Suddenly when she reached the great hall again she heard a voice behind her.

" I am so sorry Hermione.", the voice said, a crack after the very last word. The crack echoed through the air. 

She sank down onto her knees and cried. She just lost her best friend. She didn't know where her best friend was. She had to find Ron to tell him. But she couldn't get up. she was sobbing by now. But she knew she had to go find Ron. 

She found Ron helping some of the first years get cleaned up. He took one look into her eyes and realized what had happened. He told the other guy that he had to leave for a second and followed Hermione into the hallway.

"Is he okay?", asked Ron " is he hurt or what?" He needed to know the answer for his best friends life was on the line.

" I don't know", replied Hermione, " He just said he was sorry and vanished. I could say anything to him. But I mean it's not like he would listen to me".

"Of course he would listen to you, Hermione you are a big influence on everything he does. He loves you." Ron said. He felt bad he knew that those two loved each other dearly and in a way that more than friends love. But he couldn't help feeling hurt. He loved hermione. But he knew that the feelings weren't reciprocated.

Hermione hugged Ron. " Thank you Ron. You really have a way with words."

"Of course Hermione, you are my best friend. But we got to find out what to do about Harry" Ron knew he needed to be the logical one. Hermione was obviously hurting.

"What we need to do is find him!" Hermione exclaimed. She just really wanted to find her best friend and get him back. That's all she wanted to do.

"I'll go and find him, Hermione. You need to stay here. You are incredibly smart and could help people while Harry and I am gone." Ron said. He also needed to get away so he could get rid of his feelings Hermione.

"Okay, Ron, you are right. I'll stay. But I need you to promise you will keep in touch with me. I don't want to lose two of my best friends" Hermione needed reassurance, they both couldn't leave her... Could they?

"Yes of course Hermione I will.I am going to go pack a bag okay. I'll tell you when I get to safety okay." Ron really hoped he was doing a noble thing.

They hugged tightly and the ron apperated away. Hermione was alone. She really hoped she could get through it with out her best friends. She broke into sobs again. 

She lost everything.  Her friends, and life's normalcy. The wizarding world was at war now and she was alone. 

A/n: Hey y'all I am rewriting this book I'll tell when it's better. I hope you like this and I hope it's better than before.

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