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She woke up with a start, hearing a scratching outside. The blonde, skinny girl sat up, her eyes glossed over with sleep, small bags under her eyes. She threw her legs over the side of the bed, shuddering as the cold floor came in contact with her feet. She sighed, hearing the storm that had begun when she went to bed still raging outside, the rain pounding down. She heard a whine, then another scratch. Walking downstairs, she wrapped her blanket tighter around herself. She shivered as she tiptoed across the frozen floor, her blanket dragging behind her as she made her way to the heavy oak door. She was alone in the house, and grabbed the flashlight she kept on the table in the dining room. As she opened the door, something darted into her house. She yelped and slammed the door closed. She heard the sound of the trash can being knocked over. "Who's..... WHATS there?" She yelled, grabbing the bat she kept near the door and holding it over her shoulder, ready to defend herself as she walked into the kitchen. She saw her boring, but clean, tan trash can knocked over. It wouldn't have been so weird except for the fact that the trash can that had been somewhat filled was now overturned, empty. "Hello?" She called out again. There was a shuffle in the corner of her living room. She followed the sound, turning on the flashlight. There, in the corner of her well-decorated living room, was a puppy. But it wasn't a normal puppy. No, it looked like something she had never seen before. It was a tan color, with iridescent spots, like a Dalmatian. But it's head was different as well. It was normal in size except for the ears. The ears looked like small bunny ears, with small dots of the same shiny color. The spots seemed to shimmer as the small creature cowered, a piece of lettuce over its head. As she walked towards it, it seemed to shrink more, hissing. She 'shhh'ed' it, squatting down. "I'm not gonna hurt you.... whatever you are." She mumbles the last part. It's small ears twitched, but when she moved towards it again, it pressed itself further into the corner, looking for an escape route. She tsk'ed, reaching her hand out to the creature. It leaned forward, sniffing her hand before hesitating, before biting the hand. "OUCH!" She yelled, yanking her hand away. "What a bitch!" She yelled, cradling her hand. The creature skittered away, making a strange scuttling sound.

This is just a test, but if y'all like it, I may post more!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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