Chapter Two

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Atlas didn't think that she was going to faint, the information was overwhelming, but he didn't feel it was enough to make a person faint. He picked her up with ease and placed her on the bed.

She had had a good childhood, from what he could see from the photos on her walls. He wished that he could say the same about his. He was left on the doorstep of someone who neglected him for eight years and overdosed on drugs when he was twelve. Now, he was 17 and had finally realised that he was supposed to be so much more than a drug addicts son.

The words had moved on his page four days ago, telling him an address, a name and two names of the gods. He got information about Clarke, Clarke got information about the journey.

He was surprised at how close Clarke lived to him, a few blocks away in New York City.

Clarke wasn't what he had expected. He expected someone who looked what he pictured Athena to look like, he supposed. She was prettier than that, though. He would never admit that, but she looked lovely.

There weren't any photos of Clarke's friends on the walls, and he wondered if she felt as alone as he did. Something about being around Clarke made him feel different. Did she feel that?

Clarke didn't wake up until the morning. Eventually, Atlas had fallen asleep, and when he woke up, felt frustrated with himself for doing so. She was already awake, sitting up in bed staring at him. She had tear stained cheeks, and Atlas felt guilty. He had to tell her, he knew that. But she looked so upset that he wishes he hadn't.

"How do I tell my parents?"

"You can't tell them about what we are going to do... or who you are. Do you have grandparents you could stay with?"

Clarke nodded.

"Tell them that you are going to stay with them for a while."

"For what reason?"

"Bring up the fact that you know they're not your parents. Say you need a break from them to think about them."

"I can't do that, Atlas."

"Well, the only other option is to simply just... leave."

"I can't do that either."

"They will forgive you."

"No, they won't."

"They will, you have to trust me."

"I have exams to go to-"

"Clarke. Please just come with me. I need you to do this with me."

"What are you leaving behind?"

"Nothing. I haven't got anything to leave."


"It doesn't matter, okay?" Atlas snapped and automatically felt bad about it.

"I'm sorry... but I can't."

"You have to! Please, Clarke. Come with me. I need you."

"I don't even know you. You don't know me. You could be a murderer."

"Clarke, if I was planning on murdering you, I would have done it already."

"How am I supposed to know that?"

"Trust me, please."

He could tell that Clarke wanted to, she really did. Something was holding her back.


"You'll come?"

"Yes. Only because I don't want to feel bad because I gave up the opportunity of saving the world. You have to let me get ready, and tell my parents."

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