Discoverys and Questions

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Sammy struggled to figure this all out. he glanced up seeing all the Lost Ones, about 15-20, all starring at him in amazement. what are they looking at?
Sammy toke note at how they looked at his eyes, some even touching there own in response. Sammy shook his head again, closing his eyes trying to think. maybe I had changed eye colors? is that why he didn't recognize me?
Sammy decided there's only one why to find out. He stood up, despite his legs screaming no, and walked to the door but instead of going back to Bendy he walked through another door. this one let to a old bathroom, it was of course never used now but it had a mirror. it was smashed by something in the earlier years of this Inky world, bit it worked. Sammy walked over to it, shifting on his feet to be able to see himself with the broken glass. he squinted his eyes only to gasp and have them widen again. he looked like the normal lost one, weak limps and dripping face, but the thing to set him apart was his piercing silver eyes. unlike to normal gold eyes of the lost ones, his shined with what little light was in the room or maybe they made there own light. Sammy shook is head, going to speak again but the broken sounds filled the otherwise silent room. this can't be happening! he thought, his legs shook below him. he quickly walked back to the Lost Ones, careful not to let Bendy know of his presence. once back in they all continued to stare at him, some seemed to understand he now knew he was different the let him be. other didn't get that message and continued to point and stare at his face. Sammy waved them off, not wanting to deal with all of them at this moment. he walked to a wall, attempting to read the spoty and crooked writing across the walls. most of them were unreadable, though some words stuck out such as "not monsters", "I can't remember", and "when do we go home?" Sammy stared at them, quizzed. what did they mean?
Sammy glanced behind him, most Lost Ones disbanded and were doing there own thing, but about 5 followed him like dogs. he sighed and when back to reading the writing.


Hours had passed, Sammy was no closer to finding it all out. all he knew was he most likely died, which is why Bendy had his mask, and was reborn as a Lost one. not entirely what I meant by 'freed from this inky body...'
Sammy let out a distorted chuckled at his own joke before sighing and resting his head against the wall, lightly tapping to the wood. who could help me? why would they? was this how the rest of my life will be?
Sammy opened his eyes, not looked at something, but just staring into to space. I need someone who knows how to help. The not so Lost One stood up and walked away from the others. he knew of one person who could help.

Alice angel.


Sammy walked down the halls, trying he's best to ignore the pain from his legs. He knew this would be going against his lords wishes, but it was fine is this was just to be reunited with him again right? the new Lost Ones looked around seeing the angel path, it took all of his power to not go to the Demons path, but he knew it wouldn't help. the Weak ink creature wakes down the path, continuing to look around. he had never been down this path, his Lord made sure of that.
what had he gotten himself in to?

*HOLY MOLY THAT WAS......something! it was shorter then the other cuz' I need to rewatch chapter 3 so that for now! I well updated as soon as I can! Hope you enjoy, DragonKnightLord Sighing out for now!*

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