Entry 60

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  As we flew through space, I just looked at all the stars, Ren also seemed interested as well. I glanced over to Lucas talking to coran in altean but I also saw Keith talking to Shiro. Shiro looked concerned then looked up at me. I looked away and back at the stars to act causal not long after I heard footsteps behind me there was Shiro asked if we could talk and I reluctantly agreed. We walked out into the hallway to talk but as soon as we were out of the room, he asked about last night. I told him what happened and what I was dreaming about as well. He seemed a bit upset by what I was telling him. I apologized saying I shouldn't have thought of those things and shouldn't have acted like that. He stopped me mid- sentence like how Keith did must be related. He told me I had no reason to worry that Lucas and I are under the protection of Voltron. I was so confused by what Voltron was, but he said he would show me once we got Lucas and I got our own clothes. I laughed in response, I haven't laughed in so long in felt nice.   

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