Chapter 12

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Mackenzie's Pov

I was sitting down on the bench pondering then I realized I was in rain I got up from the bench and saw that my eyes where puffed up from the reflection of the puddle I started walking and then I bumped into someone "oh sorry" I said he said "its ok" I looked up to see who it was he was so hot I looked right into his eyes and time froze

Conner's Pov

I was walking in the rain it didn't bother me when I bumped into a girl "oh sorry" she said and I said "it's ok" she was gorgeous I looked into her eyes and time froze


*there I was staring at the city on top of the building I was on the edge ready to end it all I closed my eyes and waved goodbye to the world and I fell back and started to fall off the building I felt like I was flying it felt good to end the pain and the bulling I was seconds away from dying and I smashed into the floor ~funereal~ here lies Mackenzie...all I hear is one sob one person who cared my mom she was the only one who showed up*


Mackenzie's Pov

It was a dream my alarm went off thank god it was Friday I got up and put skinny jeans on and a shirt that said life? And put some black vans I didn't bother to put makeup on only on my scars I went downstairs didn't bother to eat I took my phone and bag and went out the door and saw the boy who I ran into he said "hey" I said "what's up" he said "nothing can I walk with you to school" "sure" I said


So what's your name


Oh my name is Mackenzie


Cute name


Thanks what's your name


Conner franta


I like your name




Ok I lied I was just so excited to right the chapter lol plz vote and comment🌴

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