Locker Room

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"Ae!" Yelled Pete as he spotted Ae walking into the empty locker rooms after soccer practice. "Are you busy after this?" Pete asked excitedly as they walked in, Ae watched in adoration. "I don't think I am, why?" Asked Ae, "I wanna hang out with you!" Replied Pete,
"You wanna hang out with me?"
"Of course! I mean... we are dating."
"Sure, mmm maybe we could hang out here?" Said Ae with a slight smirk plastered across his face. Pete looked around confused and told Pete that there was nothing to do in a locker room, Ae looked at Pete, lust filling his eyes. "The only thing to do here, is you Pete." Suddenly, Ae shoved Pete against the locker, quite close to where it had happened for the first time many months ago. Pete stared at Ae, Pete was quite used to this and didn't mind when Ae acted like this. A few moments of deep silence followed, causing the two to want each other more and more. Pete was the first to make a move. Flipping Ae around so that now Ae was against the locker with Pete leaning into him, Pete kissed Ae harshly but somehow passionately. Pete's kisses slowly began to trail down Ae's face, down to his neck and to his chest. Ae's breath hitched as Pete bit down hard, leaving a small mark on Ae's collarbone. That was where Ae had always left one on Pete. Ae gasped, surprised at what Pete had done, "y'know Pete, it's real funny how you think your gonna top,". Pete paused, without looking up he mumbled something that Ae couldn't comprehend. "What'd you say?" Asked Ae. Pete lifted his head, eyes still closed, and slammed his fist against the locker. This shocked Ae as Pete proceeded to slowly open his eyes while staring at Ae, "Your the funny one Ae y'know that? This time, it's gonna be different. Got that?", Ae swallowed and nodded. It was unusual for Pete to top, he never had. It wasn't unusual though for Pete to make the first move, but never to top. Pete started again, this time he began to pull off Ae's sweat drenched shirt. When Ae was finished unbuttoning Pete's shirt and slowly fell back Into the locker as Pete leaned closer and closer. Ae pulled Pete in for another harsh kiss, Pete started trailing down Ae again. This time leading onto Ae's stomach, leaving another hickey. Hearing Ae's soft quiet moans made Pete the least bit satisfied, he wanted to hear more, much more. Pete began to kiss Ae again, even harder. Pete's hands trailed down Ae's body exploring every inch of it that was available to him, Ae being much shorter than he made it difficult to discover everything. Ae's breath hitched when Pete found what he was looking for; a sensitive spot. Pete reached into his back pocket and pulled out a red marker, he marked an X on the spot. "Ah- what's that for?" Asked Ae in a shaky voice as Pete began feeling him up more quickly, "its all for memorization." Replied Pete. Ae mewled as Pete found another spot; Ae's inner thigh. It was highly sensitive, Pete made sure he noted that. Pete stepped back after he finished marking Ae, he looked over his work. Ae had an X on almost every body part, his lower stomach, his collarbone, the back of his neck, his lower back. "Damn, I never knew you were so sensitive to this kinda thing." Whispered Pete, he looked at Ae again. He realized that Ae's breathing had gotten heavier and quicker, he looked down and

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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