The ending

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When we think of love we think of the happy kind of love,the kind that is the beginning of beautiful.There is however,another kind of love,a much darker and sadder kind of love and that's what Selena and Noah's relationship became like that.Its the kind of love that doesn't and didn't signal the beginning of something beautiful,but rather the end of something that might have been beautiful.But sadly on the contrary to popular belief or popular wishful thinking,love doesn't always end happily.A hundred percent not for this one it's weren't it ended in Selena breaking up with Noah because she found out that Hailey and Justin engaged...

The fact is,Noah's love was enough for here but then again it weren't because it's not like Justin's.All the fairy tales,all stories and movies you've heard lied to you that's how Noah feels.

Justin's pov: This can't happen.We don't work out together.There isn't a couple out there that loves every little thing about one another but when I was with Selena it was completely different.But each time we break up from each other we come back and try fresh.But I'll tell you what the problem is,where still carrying all that luggage and then sooner or later they start to unpack and then suddenly all the demons come out.

Selena's pov:When love scars,are too deep.Sadly the pain isn't easily forgotten.So I'm not gonna fight for him.Because he still loves me,but he wouldn't take me back even if I asked only because the chances are we are both still got the bruises that have never fully healed.

Justin's pov:Honestly I don't trust myself not to hurt her again and even if I did sadly she wouldn't trust me to hurt her again cause it's been too many times

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