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sometimes i miss you
but i'm not sure if i'm really missing you or the idea of what we could've been
if you hadn't done what you'd done and treated me as you did
it's hard to think that we were close for years and then one summer i decided that i've had enough of your shit and i ended it
did i do the right thing ? i'm not sure sometimes
i think i did
i mean, you weren't the best
you were manipulative and judgmental
never listened to me at all and didn't really care what i had to say
always had to make it about yourself
but yeah, sometimes i do miss you
i think i do at least
it could just be the part of me that never wants anything to remain unfinished
there has to be an end to everything right ?

there was an end to us

¡ loud !Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora