Harry x Y/N

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Me: Harry your going to read PalakhValecha's story. Then decide you ship you and Y/N.
Harry: Why?
Me: Because that's what PalakhValecha requested and I said so. Trust me you always want to do what I want. I have a shovel named Emma and a mallet name Ellie I hit people with. Now read.

-After Harry reads it. More like I read it to him but close enough-
Me: I ship them.
Harry:What is H/C hair.
Me: It basically means insert a hair color. Harry do you ship Y/N and yourself?
Harry:How did they figure all that stuff out.
Me:The Harry Potter movies. I guess.
Harry: There are movies made about me?
Me: Yes. My favorite movie series. Now do you ship you and Y/N?
Me:Well he ships it. Yay! Go read PalakhValecha's story. It is great. Bye.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2018 ⏰

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