Splat the Spider

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"How is he?"
"Still unresponsive." Steve clenched his fists. He was angry, the whole team was. They'd taken a hit, no one as much as Tony though. Whether it was an accident or not there was no denying Natasha's involvement.
"How's Buck?"
"He's holding up. Too ashamed to look Tony in the eyes though." That was to be expected. Recently he'd taken on the responsibility that somehow, because he taught her or he dated her, that everything Natasha did was his fault.

At first the team weren't too sure on whether Natasha was actually Hydra, they struggled to believe it. All of them had tried to find a convincing theory that she was still good but there was no evidence. Now though, they had no doubts. She had to be eliminated. Not captured or retired, but killed. She was too dangerous and held too many secrets of Shield and other global companies.

"What do we do cap?" Steve closed his hands and slammed a first against the wall. He breathed in and out, in and out. The image of their motionless team member lying in the operating theatre pushed the words out of his mouth.
"We kill her." Sam frowned but didn't question it. They may have a problem from Clint and Bucky but, Steve thought grimly, her betrayal had hit them the hardest. He stared Sam in the eyes and nodded to himself. "We've no other option. She had too much Intel on the workings of not only Shield but other agencies as well. She has lists of inhumans, potential allies and also potential targets. So next time we see her we aim to kill."

He turned away and headed towards a slumped Tony. He rested a comforting hand on his shoulder and joined him in watching through the window. Inside lay a teenager with tousled brown hair and closed eyes. His pale skin had a smattering of freckles dusted over his cheekbones and nose as surgeons and nurses scurried around him. Dark blood coated several sponges and gloves and several different wires and tubes were attached to his small body. Tony ground his teeth and looked away.

It was an ambush. It has all started when they came to pick up Steve, Bucky and Clint at the factory. The Quinjet had a tracer on it and at first they were wary because surely Natasha wouldn't just forget about it? But in the end they decided that she was in too much of a hurry to escape. Cap had ordered Bruce and Peter to remain in the jet but Peter didn't listen. The jet was found abandoned on a salt plain with rusty ships sat oddly around it. There was something almost strategic about their placement. Bucky gripped his gun tighter and Clint's fingers twitched on the controls of their own jet since his knees needed setting. Their apprehension spread to the others and Tony automatically fired up his repulsors, War Machine engaged his locking system and faint tendrils of red snaked from Wanda.

As expected the plane was empty. Steve cautiously checked the cockpit, under the seats and in the weapons holding unit. It was completely vacated which begged the question where was Natasha? The answer was clear but no one was looking forward to the prospect of searching those ships. They didn't have to though, since the attack came before they reached them. Bullets pinged off the sides of the rusted metal and automatic cover was taken within the jet. Steve yelled orders at his unsuspecting team as they scrambled to return fire.

Natasha lay crouched within a narrow section of hull. Holes were scattered across the casing and gave her the perfect vantage point to see without being seen. Ward was hunched behind her, the cool metal of his gun pressed to her side and hot puffs of breath blowing onto the back of her neck. His displeasure at being called into the field and having to rally up a team of agents was ratified only by the prospects of taking out her former family. He still had doubts when it came to her loyalty. She suspected that he always would.

"Move out." Agents started swarming from the boats and surrounding the jets. Guns were blazing, repulsors were firing and Cap's shield was playing a game of pinball. But as one fell two more would take their place. Natasha was impressed by the number Ward had managed to bring. She ducked on instinct and a bullet ploughed into the sand by her feet. She span around and narrowed her eyes at the flash of metal across the plain. She was about to go and deal with him when Ward grabbed her arm and forced her into one of the boats. "Touch me again and you will regret it."
"We're going nowhere. We're gaining no ground and they're taking out more of our men."
"Aim for the weakest. A hit will force them to close ranks buying us enough time to go. Inform your men of the plan." He nodded but still remained uncomfortably close. She shoved past him before he tackled her to the ground as a stream of sticky web fluid plastered the side. Spiderman was in the battle.

Natasha pushed herself to her knees and spied Ward aiming at her little spiderling. Without hesitation she made the shot first. Ward lowered his gun and glowered at her but it did the job. He fell mid swing, a hole appearing through the mask and blood dripping onto the ground. Tony's scream could be heard even over the sound of raging gun fire as he raced to his practically adopted son. His helmet flipped open as he locked eyes with Natasha, the barrel still smoking. She didn't feel guilt. If she hadn't taken that shot then Ward would of. Ward was good, really good. If she'd let him take the shot then Peter would be dead. Now he had a slim chance of survival. She wasn't guilty that she gave him a chance.

As predicted the avengers closed ranks. They bundled Peter into the airborne jet and hauled unconscious Hydra men into the other. The rest took cover as the guns of the jets came to life and peppered the ground with holes. Natasha knew that she was no longer safe. No doubt she would now be treated as a target. A dangerous, kill on sight target. She'd overstepped the line and could no longer keep the luxury of being an old friend. She'd seen the look in Tony's eyes. He was out for blood. And blood he would find, if everything went accordingly.

A/N Finally. I would like to apologise because rereading I've realised Peter is my go to collateral damage guy that makes the story spiral but..... Oh well now the others have a really strong motive so :)

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