Miststar's Path[completed]

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So this is a book I wrote a long while ago in my iPad notes. Note that this is my book based off of my oc Mistfur/star. She is my main oc and I am now working on Eclipse as my new main character in my new upcoming series, Eclipse of the Moon. Hopefully, if it catches on, I'll make more of the series. If anyone says, "you spelled wrong!" or, "you didn't make the paragraphs right!" idc cuz that's just me lol Btw: this story takes place in the old forest territory, mainly because that was my favorite territory. lol so no haters!!!!!!






App= apprentice

Because I was lazy XD

I'm Miststar....I only barely remember my mother and none of the other cats will tell me about her...And I was adopted....but this is how I grew up. "mew..." "she's beautiful, I love you both."my father said. Then the medicine cat at the time, echosong, came in to the medicine den. "I'm sorry...about your other two kits, they did not make it....they are in starclan now..." My foster mother Bluestream spoke up, "oh no.....Darkstar....." then that's all I remember....I fell asleep then...and I later awoke in a new den, but I awoke to a terrible yowl. "ahhhhhhh!" mom! I thought. I ran out on my tiny little kit legs and saw my mother in front of high rock motionless on the ground, bleeding to death. "noooo! My mate!" "ugh!!! Seize that rouge!" then I ran over to my mother as many TC cats run towards the app aged rouge. "what's the big deal! She was just another cat!" my father scolded him and said "she was a queen and my mate!" the cat stood appalled and spoke "I-I-I-I'm so sry I had no idea! Please!" and that's all I remember as a very small kit. Then about two moons later, that same cat joined TC and everyone forgave him now.....but not me....never me. "today cats!" my father said, "our dear Phoenixpaw has finally been accepted among us....treat him as any other TC cat." I'll never trust him. I thought. He killed my mother and I know that he'll betray us again someday....

After that it becomes easier to remember....

I was 5 moons now....almost an app. Ever since my mother died, my father has been very strict. It was about mid-day, " dad can I go and hunt?" "no mistkit, your too young...it's against warrior code...." "oh...but can I at least leave the nursery and go just around camp?" "no! You r to stay here and rest, as a kit should.....I must go on patrol now....I mean it mistkit! Stay!" then as he ran off I thought, I'll show him, I'll show them all! I'll become the best warrior ever! So then I snuck out side when no cats were looking and went out a small kit sized hole in the barricade bush walls around camp. I was free, for the first time, I was free. "wow....this is amazeing!" I turned toward the smell of live fish, water means fish! I thought. I followed the fish smell and came to a small river. I waited and waited and tried over and over but caught nothing. "ugh! Stupid fish! Huh?!" but at that moment, I heard a rustle in the bushes and I steped into the river by accident. "help! Help! *cough cough* help!" the river had a hold of me and I fought hard to fight it, but my body fell limp and I sank....I though I was done for...but then I saw a cat jump in the water and pull me out, I didn't know this cat and she smelled wired. I coughed up the rest of the water in my lungs and looked towards my hero. She was a silver tabby she-cat with sapphire blue eyes. She looked at me with a hard look and said, "are u ok little kit? Why are u in RC territory?" "I I I I I I .....I'm sorry....please don't hurt me!" " I won't hurt you little kit...it's against warrior code...but why are u here?" so I told her about how I wanted to prove I was a warrior and how I was better than my mother's murderer. She looked at me and said, "let's get you home....I'm sure TC won't mind me visiting with their kit after all. " So she picked me up and took me back and I was in a lot of trouble....

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2013 ⏰

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