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SHE FAILED..... for those of you curious. She wasn't the only one though may I add. Her and Denki.  Two Complete Idiots. Not one's idiocy surpassing the other, well...maybe his a bit more than the attractive female sweeping the floor across from him. What exactly did they fail? some of you may ask, well it was obviously the test of course.  Let's just say Aizawa wasn't exactly happy when these two came into the classroom with bags under their eyes, not that he was one to judge considering he always has two designer gucci bags of his own; He watched...Carefully as his students answered the paper test in front of them, his tired restless looking eyes lingered on two students in particular , Denki Kaminari  and {Y/N} {l/n} , both practically on the thread of a deep slumber, putting what appears to be random answers on their test; His theory was proved  right  when he decided to grade papers -10 out of 10 questions got both sleepless students. They weren't the only one's who failed though, most of the class failed Aizawa purposely made sure that what was on everyone's study guide was completely reworded and changed so it would look like too different courses. But that was beside's the point everyone else had something in common that the pair didn't have they tried. I mean sheesh one of them put "sprite cranberry" as one of their answers. Which leads them to their current dilemma after school detention, Aizawa had instructed them to leave the classroom spotless and Denki being the flirtatious human he is wouldn't stop flirting with you....


{y/n} P.O.V


"Are you a parking ticket? 'Cause you've got fine written all over you." another one

"Annnnnndddd-......done" you announced 

 "Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at- wait... WHAT!?" he yelled. Obnoxiously loud if you do say so yourself.

"Ah...yes, I'm done with my side, and you would too if you weren't messing around so much"

"Bu-" he started as he walked closer to you 

"ah, ah, 'buts' mister, i shall be taking my leave now, shoo shoo off you go" you said as you walked the hell out of there



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