A/n :Please read

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Hey guys, I know no one has read this book yet but I have something I need to share today.

Btw it is Sunday the twenty fifth of November 2018.

This morning I woke up at 1 am and my right shoulder started to hurt.

I lie in bed ignoring the pain because it wasn't that bad.
I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't.

It felt like there was something watching me, waiting strike.

I then heard noises here and there which put me on edge even more.

They were noises of the clock and cars, but they were so loud that it felt like they were right in my ear.

My sences were hightened of the alertness I felt at that moment that any sound was abnormal to me.

I heard a small creaking sound from my bathroom door as well.

After I heard the door I decided to swich on the lamp.

I still tried to go to sleep but the nagging feeling of something bad watching me was still there.

That was when my bathroom door started to slowly close.

It was so scary to me that my breath shortened and my heart raised.

Just before it completely closed I screamed. "GO AWAY"

That was when everything went silent the door stopped and everything went silent.

All you could hear was my heavy breathing.

I didn't like the idea of being scared, it frustrated me, so I had enough.

"In the name of Jesus I will not be scared." I told what ever is trying to scare me. "His blood is in me and is flown for me."

"Go away and leave me alone demon, you have no power over my Saviour."

Voices of doubt came in my head. "Are you sure you are save." And. "Can you really be certain that He will save You."
"You still feel scared so you don't trust Him enough to save you."

That was when I started to pray. "Dear Lord please help me."
"I admit that I am scared." Which was rare for me,  because I never actualy admitted that I was scared ever since I was well in grade seven.

I guess it was because I never was so scared in my entire life before.

"I believe in demons and I do fear them."
"But I fear  that they may take my soul way from You."
You see I believed that if you get scared and if you are kind of attacked by demons emotionally,  you are not a real child of God.

I started to cry because of what the devil could get right with me.
Not only did he scare me(which I realised in the end after I went to my grandmother, was because of the wind blowing from the bathroom window) he also got it right to drain me phisically and mentally at that moment.

Not to mention I started to get nausious of the throbbing pain in my shoulder.

Something then told me I have to go to my grandmother, so I did.

I woke her up and asked her to pray with me.

She complied and we prayed, I lay down in her arms for a few minutes.

I then felt save and at peace again,  and my shoulder started to feel better.

At that moment I knew that it wasn't only my grandmother holding me.

It was my Lord and Saviour.

I hope You learned something out of this.
The devil can let anything scare you,  but God can keep You calm and save,  just listen to His voice.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2018 ⏰

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