Death is Eternal

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Damen woke in a cold sweat. He shivered remembering the dream he just had. He shook his head to clear the thoughts. It's just a dream. It's not real. My family is still alive.

He went on with his day. He greeted his wife and children. He acted as nothing happened. That he was never gone. That he didn't just make a deal with the Devil, and then cheat her.

He did this for three days. Every night, he had the same dream. His family dead, his town reduced to burning cinders. Every morning he woke up in cold sweat, and every time he went to greet his wife and children, he acted as nothing happened. Until the fourth day.

On the fourth day, his youngest child, who was only two at the time, died. No sign he was killed. No evidence he was murdered. Only a pile of ashes sat in his crib, staining the pillows and darkening the blankets. Still, Damen said nothing about his dream.

The fifth day, the same thing happened. This time to his second-youngest son (now the youngest), who was four at the time. Same story. Pile of ashes on his bed, no other trace of murder. Damen is getting nervous, and he's debating whether or not to tell them about his dream and just submit to Aosoth.

On the sixth day, it happened again. This time with his eldest daughter, who was fourteen at the time. Again, ashes on her bed. No trace of any other form of demise. Damen begins to realize that the Devil was sending him dream messages. And she will fulfill her horrible promise. Tomorrow, he knows another child will die. But that was not the case.

On the seventh and last day, his wife died. Damen woke from his horrible nightmare and saw.... no. It can't be. Where his wife lay last night, instead of a loving and caring woman, was.... a smear of grey powder.

"NO!" Damen screamed. "No no no no no!" Then he yelled to no one, "Fine! I'll go!"

He went to Adrastos' house and knocked furiously on his door. His wife answered the door, tears staining her cheeks.

"Damen?" Her voice was hoarse. "Do you need anything?"

Damen's anger deflated when he saw his friend's wife. "Yes. I know it a lot to ask, but could you take care of my three children?"

His friend's wife knit her eyebrows. "Three? I thought you had six. What... oh." Her eyes widened. "I..I'm so sorry."

Damen breathed deeply. "So, can you please take care of my children? And where is Adrastos?"

The wife started sobbing. "He.. he went down to Hell after one of our children died. He.. he said it was the only way," she wailed.

Damen felt even worse, but he had to make sure his children were okay. "I know it's going to be hard, taking care of six children, but I think you can do it. You're a strong woman, I know that. And besides, you'll have more company, and you won't be lonely.

His friend's wife smiled through her tears. "I will take care of them. And say hello to Adrastos for me." And with that, she closed the door.


"Ah, here you are."

Damen threw himself to the foot of her throne. "Take it," he sobbed. "Take my soul. Just do it. You have taken three of my children, my wife, and my best friend. Take my soul."

"So you have finally come to your senses."

"Yes! You killed my family! What more do I have to for?"

"Well, I can't answer that question. But I can take your soul."

"Just do it!"

"You will have to pledge your service to me. Repeat after me. I, Damen Whyte, pledge my service to Aosoth, the ruler of Hell.

"I," he hiccupped, "Damen Whyte, pledge my service to Aosoth, the ruler of Hell."

"I realize that my life was short, and my death is eternal."

"I realize that my life was short, and my death is eternal."

"I will not hesitate, I will not fail. I give my soul to Aosoth, Queen of Hell."

"I," his voice trembling, "will not hesitate, I will not fail." He breathed deeply. "I give my soul to Aosoth, Queen of Hell."

The moment after the last words left his mouth, he collapsed. White mist coiled out of his mouth, into her palm.

"Good, good. Damen, rise."

He rose and looked at her with blank white eyes. "Yes, Your Majesty." His voice became monotone, devoid of any emotion.

Aosoth rose and placed his soul into a glass jar. She flicked her hand and it disappeared.

"Remember Damen, mortal life is short. Death is eternal.

"Yes indeed, My Lady."

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