Her Broken Heart

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"Pikachu.... yes, that name. That's the name that should be with me, but why is he with someone else ?"

Yes, that day is when one of Ash's friend, Dawn with her Buneary was visiting him in Kalos, it's been so long since she wanted to tell Pikachu how she feels.

But when she saw him, he was with another girl, and she seems to be Serena's Sylveon.

"No, Pikachu can't be with someone else. That might just his friend, not more." Thought Buneary, but no, somehow they always nuzzling each other.

Buneary knew something was off, so she hurry it up and drag Pikachu somewhere else so that she can tell how she feel.

"Buneary ? Where are you taking me ?" Asked Pikachu confusely.

"Somewhere fun." Said Buneary

The two of them arrived at a park as Buneary drag Pikachu to sat besides her, then she grab both of Pikachu's hands as they facing each other.

"Buneary, what is the meaning of this ?" Asked Pikachu felt very confuse and upset.

"Listen Pikachu, that day when I met you, you are very kind and so soft. And that is why, I really love you !! Would you like to be my boyfriend ?"

Buneary was hoping Pikachu to blush and said yes excitedly, but Pikachu saw her with a plain straight face as he let go of her hands and say something that really changes her life.


"Oh gre... W-Wait, what ? maybe I kinda deaf right now, what was your answer ?"


"No Pikachu, I know you were saying yes. Then let's go, we are going to be..."

"No !!"

"Pikachu, that joke isn't funny anymore. This lying joke is so old days, I know you are going to said..."

"No Buneary !! I don't love you !!"

Pikachu's real feelings for her really stab her heart to pieces, she then started crying and shake her head.

"Pikachu ? No No No !! Why didn't you love me ?" Asked Buneary.

"Listen, I already have someone that loves me. And I love her back, I'm really sorry." Said Pikachu.

"Someone... that loves you back..." "Listen Buneary, sorry but I only saw you as my own sister. And that's why I only like you as my own sister, atleast that is more than..."

Buneary wasn't able to talk, she then quickly jump away from Pikachu and run somewhere else. "Buneary !! Wait !!"

Buneary runs behind a tree and started crying too much. "Why ? Why didn't he like me ? Am I really that ugly for him"

Suddenly someone lifted Buneary and it was her owner Dawn.

"Hey Buneary, why are you crying ? Are you hungry ?" Asked Dawn giving her a smile.

But Buneary didn't reply, she can only wipe her tears and helped by Dawn wiping her tears.

"Now now, don't cry. Come on, lunch is ready." Said Dawn bringing her back to the group.

The group started eating their lunches while the boys and the girls pokémon were mixed up and talking with each other.

"So you're Dawn's Buneary, right ?" Asked Pancham. "I'm Pancham, nice too..."

"Please... leave me alone." Muttered Buneart eating her foods slowly.

Pancham obeying her command and joining in with Bunnelby and Goodra.

Pikachu x Sylveon (Iconshipping) Various One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now