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((Better if read in black))

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((Better if read in black))

① NO Perfect Characters. Mary Sues suck and they shouldn't even have a name because what's the point of giving something a name if everyone is gonna say it's not allowed because of how stupid they are?

② To Roleplay on a Scenario Ask 'May I?' I will only reply if you ask this first. This just makes me feel organized since I am a bit of a neat freak.

③ Double. I am sorry but there is no single roleplay, both of the admins want to be included in the roleplay

④ Characters. You can have up to 3 characters because that is how many I might have. But make sure if you have more then one character you have to have a male character and USE them in a roleplay. Password 1, Is your ultimate bias group + Ultimate bias

⑤ Swearing. I love swearing so swear as much as you want, also you DO NOT have to censor it unless you want to

⑥ Smut. It is allowed but your character, also I don't really care about age, well actually your bias cannot be a minor unless your OC is too (Even the other way around won't work) if you want to RP smut. Also, since this is a shared account Admin Des will be doing smut and other scenarios and Admin B will probably be a confused tater tot. Password 2, Is hidden on this page, once you find it PM it to me!

⑦ 2+ sentences. It makes my life easier so TWO PLUS SENTENCES PEOPLE! Also, roleplay in the third person || This rule doesn't apply with Admin B because I tend to break it a lot ;-;

⑧ Tag. Tag three people you know who like to roleplay BTS because we would like to have more than one roleplay going in this book.

⑨ Forms. Wait until your form is accepted to roleplay.

Crystal Snow || BTS Roleplay BookWhere stories live. Discover now