We'll Take Yours

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"So... We have to figure out what made him kill himself," Ten leaned against his console, eying Eleven, suspiciously. Nine was currently in the medical ward, his body being isolated, since neither of them wanted to burn, well... Themselves.

"He wasn't like us," Eleven nodded, "He didn't want to die..."

"I don't want to die!" Ten exclaimed.

"You know what I mean," Eleven rolled his eyes, "He wasn't WILLING to die for anything, so... It has to be very important for him to give up ALL his lives for that..." There was silence for a moment, but they both knew what it was that the other was thinking.

"Rose," Ten whispered, finally.

"Has to be," Eleven nodded.

"So... Somebody hurt Rose, then?" Ten narrowed his eyes, fire igniting within them.

"Not necessarily," Eleven turned to the left, "It just means someone threatened him. If she had been hurt, he wouldn't have killed himself, he would have avenged her... Possibly rescued her. It had to be a threat."

"Right," Ten was a little reassured by this, lowering his shoulders a bit, "So... What do we do?"

"Well," Eleven replied, "Most logically, we have to kidnap Rose before anyone else can..."

"What?!" Ten sputtered.

"Just until we can figure out who made us... Um... Kill ourselves," Eleven clarified, "We have to assure... Us that Rose is safe."

"Hmm," Ten crossed his arms, "And how do you suppose we do that?"

"We have to do it after we meet her," Eleven decided, "But before our death... How about during the blitz? That's a good a time as any... Besides, Jack'll keep us company."

"Too late," Ten shook head, "Let's do it right before the thing with her father... It'll save a lot of pain."

"Oh! Oh! Let's do it at the end of the Earth!" Eleven beamed, "I'd like to see the Face of Bo, again."

"Poor Jack," Ten sighed, "Having to experience all that pain for so long."

"Yeah," Eleven nodded, "Well... Shall we?"

"We need gifts," Ten remembered, disappearing around a corner and then returning with a small box. He proudly showed the contents off.

"That's..." Eleven carefully picked up a bit of red cloth from inside, "Our old school robe."

"I couldn't toss it," Ten shrugged, "Even after it ended up being shredded by a former companion, by accident."

"Alright," Eleven held the cloth to his face and swallowed sadly, "Let's go."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2012 ⏰

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