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so basically I was daydreaming while I was in the car going to my aunt's house about having Austin design my first tattoo cause why not? now it is this imagine. please keep in mind that I have never met the boys (although I would love to) and I don't know how I would react to meeting them. I'm basing all of this off of the times I have met other musicians. this might not be how you have or would have reacted to meeting them.

I stood behind a group of girls who all chattered amongst themselves. I was the last in line which was perfectly fine by me. I bounced on the balls of my feet as the sweat in my hands pooled making them clammy much like Zion's. To say I was a little bit stressed/nervous would be an understatement. 

But I was also excited. 

I was about to meet my bois and watch them perform. I was over the moon to be standing in the meet and greet line. Honestly, I really didn't mind the wait. It gave me time to mentally prepare myself. My (color of your eyes) eyes looked over the shoulder of the group of girls. The five boys were in the distance meeting others. With every picture they took, the closer I got and the more my nerves grew. 

I looked down to my (favorite brand of shoes) continuing to grip the sketchbook in my hand. The line was growing shorter. My breathing hitched as I stood only a few feet away from the boy band. 

The girls in front of me squealed. It was their turn. I watched as they each hugged a boy, they stood in a big group and took a photo. As they said their goodbyes.

It was my turn. A huge grin covered my face although my eyes were wide in fear. Thoughts of what I should do rushed through my brain as I walked over to them. They looked friendly but I was bound to embarrass myself in front of them. I knew it would happen. I hugged Nick first. 

"Hey, I'm Nick," his arms wrapped around me.

"I'm (your name)," I mumbled into his shoulder. The same cycle happened with every boy.

Until I got to Austin. His arms engulfed me in a bearhug, "Hey!"

"Hi," I let go of him tightening my grip on the little book I had been carrying, "So this might be completely random, well I mean it is random, and you might not want to do this, which would be disappointing." My eyes lifted from shoes to look at the boy who had once been a blonde but now had a head full of bright pink hair. He wore a warm smile and looked to be listening to me mumble my long tangent. 

"Anyway," I grinned at him trying to hide the fact that I was completely embarrassing myself in front of him, "I was wondering if you could design my first tattoo in this sketchbook. I have an appointment for next week when I turn 18 and I like your art and, "I paused looking up at him. He still had that grin plastered on his beautiful face. It made me want to melt.

"Sorry I keep going on tangents, I'm just nervous," I apologized. Suddenly an arm fell on my shoulders. 

"Don't be nervous," Brandon spoke up from beside me. I just nodded, slightly in shock that fucking Brandon Michael Lee Arreaga had just wrapped his arm around my shoulders. 

"I would love to do it," Austin spoke up catching my attention away from his bandmate. I handed him the little book and sharpie I carried. "Do you have anything in mind?" the boy asked as he started to draw with the sharpie.

"Ugh, no, not exactly. I just like your tattoos and the drawings and stuff you've done."

"I'm hurt," Edwin started. His hands fell over his heart, "I have awesome tattoos too ya know." 

I laughed at the saddened expression on Ed's face. I lifted my (favorite shoe) to show off the sketches I had drawn on the sides during school. They were only doodles but the style closely resembled Porter's. Without having to say anything, Edwin nodded in understanding as he looked down at my feet.

Austin continued to draw for another 5 minutes as the other boys asked me about different things like if I planned to get more tattoos and when I was supposed to get this one done. Before Zion could finish his question about me getting his name tattooed on my ass, some guy walked in. He looked important and made it clear that the boys needed to end the meet and greet now. Each of the boys gave me a hug goodbye. When I turned to Austin he handed me the book and pen, giving me a final hug. 

I walked out of the meet and greet with a huge smile on my face. I felt like I was going to explode with giddiness. As I headed for the pit, I flipped to the page Austin had drawn on. It was a picture of his signature ghost, one that was very similar to his own tattoo. 

Beside it was a note scribbled messily.

I tried to draw something that was similar but different to my own tattoo. I hope that it turns out. Text me a pic of it after.



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