~Chapter 5~

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Brooklyn's POV

        While talking to some of the boys, I noticed out of the corner of my eye Hailey slipping out of the room. I knew that she would feel slightly uncomfortable being around such big company so I decided that I would let her have some alone time. After a couple of minutes had gone by, I thought I would go outside and bring her back in but someone else had already beaten me to it. Taylor had his arm casually swung around Hailey's shoulder which he dropped when they stepped into full view of the room. I raised an eyebrow at the two and Hailey quickly noticed. I smirked at her and she rolled her eyes before mouthing the word, "no."

"Yo Matt! What movies do we got?" I snapped my head in Taylor's direction to see that he was walking up to a large duffel bag.

"Uhh I don't know, look in there."

        I turned my attention back to Hailey who was fixing her sleeves and looking down at the ground. 

"Excuse me, boys," I said, squeezing my way off of the bed, avoiding everyone who was lying on it.

        I skipped over to Hailey and grabbed her from behind on the shoulders. She let out a small squeak and I laughed. 

"Hey, what are you doing here all by yourself, come on, join the party!" I urged, pulling her to everyone else. 

        Okay let me tell you, this was a hotel room. An average, everyday hotel room. Now imagine eleven boys and three girls all squashed up into one of those rooms. This is what I was experiencing right now and it is not pleasant at all. The amount of body heat and noise combined could get the attention of a jet flying over us. I managed to weave my way through everyone while holding onto Hailey. I stopped right at the window and smiled at her. 

"Look out the window," I pointed. 

        She furrowed her eyebrows but did as told. I heard a tiny, almost inaudible gasp escape her lips.

"They're... they are all here for us?" She asked, looking back out the window.

        I nodded proudly and looked at the view below us. Hundreds of people, all different sizes and shapes were crowded outside of the hotel. They were all holding up signs that belonged to at least one person in this room. 

"Isn't that amazing?" I whispered. 

"It sure is..." She answered, placing her hand on the glass and waving.

        I did the same and soon we got the attention of half of the fans outside. I saw them moving their mouths but no sound could reach our ears so I was just assuming they were all screaming. I noticed a bright pink sign hover in the back but it was hard to see because whoever was holding it was not exactly the same height as everyone else. Suddenly it was raised higher because the little girl was now sitting on her father's shoulders. I smiled the widest smile I think I've had in years and pointed the little girl out to Hailey. 

"I... Love... Hailey and Brooklyn! I'm your number one fan!" She slowly read, making out the words. 

        We both looked at each other and laughed. We both directed our gaze to the girl and waved, hoping she could see us. After a few seconds, I'm guessing she realized we were waving to her and she started freaking out. I mouthed, "we love you too," to her and made a hand heart.

"You see, Hailey. There is nothing to worry about, nothing to be nervous about because they all love you."

"They all love us. All of us," she whispered, gesturing to everyone in the room. 

        I smiled and gave her a gentle squeeze before releasing. 

"Hey guys, come here! There are some people dying to meet you," I hollered over my shoulder.

        Soon, most of the boys and Mahogany were all crowded around the window, trying to wave and say hi to their fans. It was actually the most incredible sight I've laid eyes on in a while. I decided that I've had enough window time and backed up into the room. Hailey was still enjoying the moment and I let her. I loved seeing her get involved, it reminds me that we might be very different but she is my best friend and there are still things we enjoy together. I looked around the room and saw Taylor still crouched around the bag, Shawn was sitting on a bed with his phone in hand and Aaron just walked into the bathroom. I decided to get to know Shawn a little more. I was always interested in his music. I walked over and plopped myself down on the bed where Shawn was. The bed dipped down from the pressure which startled him a bit. I giggled and he looked up at me and smiled. 

"Oh hey, Brooklyn. What's up?" 

"Not much, it's pretty boring when all you can see when you turn around is a line of butts waiting to communicate with their fans," I sighed, pointing to everyone crouched around the big window. He looked at me with confusion then averted his eyes to what was going on behind me. Laughter escaped from his mouth and I smiled. 

"Yep, not much you can do with that going on," he chuckled. 

        I nodded and pursed my lips trying to think of what to say. What I hate most is trying to carry on a conversation when there wasn't anything to talk about. I was usually the one to start talking but people would catch on quickly. Shawn just kind of, looked around awkwardly then started scrolling on his phone again. He reminded me of when I first tried to talk to Hailey. We were very young and I remembered that she ignored what I said so often that I once threw a tantrum and had to be put in time out for harassing her. I mean, it wasn't even harassment! I was just trying to make friends! Anyway, now I'm off topic. I decided I'd take a shot and ask him about his music. 

"So, I love your music by the way, your voice is really relaxing and calming to me."

        Relaxing and calming? What the hell, Brooklyn? Are you trying to seduce him?

"Oh wow, thanks. I love watching you and Hailey. It really puts me back on track when I'm not in the best mood," he responded. 

"Really? Well our vines are literally our lives put into six seconds so I'm glad you find my life entertaining," I continued, hoping this would not turn out to be a one sided conversation. After realizing he had no idea how to respond to that, I kept going. "Anyway, tell me about your music. How long does it take you to learn those covers?" I waited for a reaction and luckily, I got one. 

"Oh well I'd have to listen to the song first, find the chords that fit me and I'd just practice a couple times before I can decide if I want to make a cover and post it or if I could do better. What about you, are you into music? Do you sing?" He questioned. 

"Uhmm, well of course music is a big part of my life. Me singing? Ehhh not really," I shrugged. 

"Oh well that's too bad. A beautiful and funny girl like you who sings? Wow, you'd be perfect," he complimented. 

        Wow. He just complimented me. Shawn just told me I was beautiful and funny. Oh my god. How do I respond. Brooklyn, say something. It's not everyday a gorgeous guy tells you you're beautiful AND funny and you can't respond. Oh lord help me. But before I could say anything, Shawn started talking again. 

"Not that you're not perfect now! I mean you're perfect just the way you are. I just, I meant that-" He scratched his neck awkwardly. "You know, I really don't know how to recover from this," he finally said. 

        I looked at him and he looked at me and we both burst out laughing. 

"No, no it's fine! I understood what you meant. Thank you!" I giggled.

"Okay good, I wouldn't want to make a bad first impression."

"You? Make a bad first impresion? I don't think that's possible," I assured him. 

"Why thank you," he said. 

"And just for the record, I think you're a very handsome and talented guy."

        Oh gosh did I really just-

"Thanks," he laughed. "I appreciate it." 

"Hah... Any day..." I uttered, mentally slapping myself. 

        Thank god for what happened next. 

"GUYS I FOUND A MOVIE!" Taylor exclaimed, waving a box around. 

"What is it?" 

"GROWN UPS!" He shouted. 

        Hey that's-


        -Hailey's favorite movie. I turned around and looked at Hailey who was now immediately hiding herself again from her sudden outburst.

"I think I found my new ship," I smirked, muttering to myself. 

"Uh, what was that?" Shawn asked. 

"Oh nothing," I stifled a laugh and she looked over at me, glaring. I gave her a cheeky grin and directed my attention towards the TV. Everyone was starting to find a place to sit so I shuffled my way over to the edge of the bed to move next to Hailey when I was stopped. 

"You don't have to move," Shawn started. "I mean, unless you want to."

        I looked over at Hailey to see how she was doing. She was sitting next to Taylor on the floor. Both of their heads were leaned back onto the bed. I think she's doing pretty good.

"Well everywhere else seems full, are you sure you don't mind me sitting next to you for the whole movie?" I replied, scooting back onto the bed.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2014 ⏰

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