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Death is chasing me
Huffle my breath, it's killing me
Run as fast I could
To find a way out as soon as possible as it should.

I run and run. Sweat all over my body. Pain is everywhere. Don't stop. Don't stop Taeyeon. You need to escape that man. That man who's trying to kill you. Just run, don't stop.

I've been imprisoned by him for 1 month! He kidnapped me. Tortured me. Raped me. I.. I found a way out. I did!

"TAEYEON!!!" he shouted.

He's just near. Run! Run as fast as you could!

I never stopped. I just run and run. Even thou my body weakens, just run.

After hours of running I found my way out. It's a road. A city road. I.. I did it! I'm now in a city! I need to ask for help.

I really look like a pity one. My white shirt is full of blood and it's kinda have some dirt too. Also the bottom part of my jeans is ripped.

"Help! Help me!" I shouted to everyone but they're just ignoring me.

How can be people so selfish. I walk another path. I need to find someone who can help me.

"Ouch!" Someone said as he was bumped by a guy.

"Hey! Look-----"

"Taehyung!!!!" I ran to him and hugged him.

"T-taeyeon?" He look at me in shock.

"Yes! It's me! I.. I escaped the man. I did it!" I said cheerfully.

But he look like he's going to cry.

"Why? Aren't you happy?" I ask him.

"Ofcourse im happy! Come with me." He said.

I come with him and we rode his car. I don't know where we going but I trust him.

We got out from the car. I know this place. This is his apartment. Why can he just drop me to house so that I can see my parents! I miss them!

"Why are we here? I thought you're going to drop me home." I ask him confusely.

"You can't go home Taeyeon." He said and walk towards his apartment.

"What do you mean? I can't see my parents because ive been tortured?! Raped?!" Im so pissed rn. Is he a jerk?!

Rest Well, Taeyeonie. [Vtae FF/ SHORT STORY]Where stories live. Discover now