Chapter Two

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The room is uncomfortably large. It reminds me of a hotel foyer, not just in the space but in the artwork too. I scan for a personal touch, something that doesn't suggest a hired designer chose it. Nothing. The floor is polished concrete, the walls white and the furniture I'm sure is from a high-end Scandinavian designer, but the name escapes me for the moment. There is room in here for dozens of children, though I doubt even one would be welcome. It is a perfect place, but cold in its tranquility. The soft jazz just audible as background noise, and at the same volume in every room, somehow makes it even less personal. I feel like I just stepped into the mall. There are no personal photographs, like the place is staged for sale. It isn't though.

We had spent the morning roaming the many shops. A wide variety of shops had lined the nearby streets: antique and art stalls, jewelry and accessory shops, luxury boutiques, souvenir kiosks and stores selling leather goods. Tourists had flocked to them like fireflies to a lamp, enthusiasm accentuating their features. The silvery melody of the drawl of sightseers and the strong, distinct accents of the locals drifted through my ears as they ambled past. There were chimes of bells that tinkled incessantly as the people sauntered in and out of the stores, entranced by the various merchandise.

The smallest boy, Jack, had suggested we go back to his place. So that's where the group decided to retired for the day.

Now I sit amongst a unique group of people, you would never have guessed they would be friends but once you spend more than a judgemental moment with them you realise that somehow, they work. I get a sense that they've all done something that brought them together.

I feel out of place here, despite Sophia's numerous attempts of making me feel welcomed. I'm still unsure why she invited me to hang out with them.

"Soooo, what should we do?" Sophia asked the group.

"How about truth or dare". Jack raised an eyebrow at Wyatt and winked, in response Wyatt's face turned a fierce shade of scarlet as he hung his head in shame.

"Isn't that a kids game?" I said, it came out as more of a whisper but the room was so silent that it could be easily heard by the group.

"Not the way we play it" three of them said, almost simultaneously. The group exchanged mischievous glances before deciding that this would be the perfect game.

The first few truths and dares were mediocre at best, I learnt that Sophie had kissed 7 boys and Wyatt had broken 5 bones. Jack dared Finn to eat a raw egg and Jaeden had been dared to scream outside for ten seconds. But when it came to my turn the rooms atmosphere shifted slightly.

"Truth or Dare" Jeremy asked, his eyes half closed he stared a little too long.

"Truth" I blurted out, my discomfort obvious. I could see the disappointment on some of the group members faces.

"That's so boring" jack sighed, Sophie slapped his arm and gave him a stern look. "Ignore him, he's an idiot" she said.

"Shut up ginge" he retaliated, she just rolled her eyes at his blatant childishness.

"So -Vee" he said before pausing, "out of everyone here, who do you think is the best looking" he wiggles his eyebrows.

I instantly blushed, I could feel my face burning and I looked down at my lap. After a few seconds I managed to tame my flaming cheeks, and I looked up to see Finn staring at me, I blushed again. I heard Jack cough slightly, bringing my attention back to him. He gave me a knowing look and smirked before saying loudly, "guys it's obviously me, right Sophia your go".

"First off I'm the best looking one here, and secondly I choose dare"

"Yeah sure. Okay, I dare you to jump in the pool"

"Oh wow thats suuuchhh a challenge", she says sarcastically. Moments later she's sprinting outside, the group following behind, before cannon balling into the pool. "Easy" she brags.

"Mmhhmmm. Watch this" Finn says before doing a flip into the pool.

Jaeden rolls his eyes, "that was nothing". He goes to flip into the pool but looses his footing and belly flops. There's a loud grunt of pain before the group erupts into laughter.

I feel two hands on my back before I'm being pushed into the pool. I let out a scream and close my eyes tight. I sink to the bottom and then feel myself being pulled back out the water. I open my eyes to meet Finns deep brown eyes just inches away. He smiles at me, I can feel the joy radiating off him. I look around and realise that everyone else has joined us in the pool, I guess we're done with truth or dare.

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Aug 14, 2019 ⏰

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The Busker // A Finn Wolfhard Fan FictionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ