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WARNING: TYPOS, GRAMMAR ERRORS, WRONG SPELLINGS. Please forgive me if this story is boring.

Cindy's POV:

It's a sunny day, I walked to the neighborhood and exercise a bit cause it's still early in the morning. Today I'm meeting Sehun, he called me last night and told me that he wanted to talked about something. I'm really excited cause I can sense something good, I even told my mom about this and she just hit me in my arms playfully. Not to mention we we're dating for 2 years now and maybe he will propose to me now. Ahh nah, I'm too young.


After taking a bath, I picked the clothes that I will wear for this special day. I picked a pink turtleneck shirt and paired it with a white maong skirt and white rubbershoes. I drove off my house and head to a cafe where Sehun and I will meet. After 1 hour of waiting and texting him continuously, he came and sat across me. I'm happy to see him but he looks so....down.

Sehun's POV:

After I called her last night I didn't get a chance to sleep, I was thinking if I'm doing the right thing. I love her so much, I really do but some things are need to be done so that it won't cause much bigger problems.


In the morning, I woke after sleeping for just 2 hours, I took a bath and wear pure black clothes and headed to the cafe.

I parked my car, and the first thing I saw was her. She's so happy, excitement can be seen all over her face. Suddenly I felt a pang of guilt, I'm hesitating to go inside but I tell myself that she will understand and it will be all right. I got inside and I sat across her. I know that she realized that I looked so down.

" Sehun- ah, gwaenchana?" she asked worriedly.

I just smiled at her. Fake Smile.

" Ne. I'm just tired." I lied

She smiled. I love seeing her smile, especially when I'm the one who makes her to.

" So what are you going to tell me? Huh? Don't surprise me, I might die-- ahaha" She joked and I sighed and looked her straight in her eyes. Then I blurted it out,

" L-Let's break up".


Author's POV:

After she heard that words coming from her dear boyfriend's mouth, all she can do was stare and space out.

" Mwo? mworago?" She asked Sehun, tears are beginning to trail down her eyes still not believing what she heard.

" Let's break up, Cindy- yah. I don't want to be stuck with you anymore, Hah do you know how hard it is, to have a relationship with a college girl while managing a company. I can't do it anymore. So I'm really sorry, but it will be the best for us if we end it here. Right now" He said harshly, in that moment she breakdown. Tears keep falling down her eyes. He can't do anything now, he lied about his feelings. He knows this is the only way to make her stop, stop loving him.

After saying everything, Cindy stand up and bowed at him
" I get it. I'm sorry for making you suffer and thank you for everything. Let' s not meet each other again. BYE!" with that she left.

Sehun's POV:

Her actions, words and everything about her made me realise that I'm so stupid. The reason why I suggested that we broke up was because her parents requested it. They said that we both are busy bodies, I have a company and she's studying. Of course I don't want to leave her but her parents cares for her so much.

" Sehun- ah. We know how much you love each other..but you both need to focus on your priorities. Maybe someday if you two arw really meant to be, fate will bring you back together. Please Sehun, help her achieve her dreams." Cindy's parents left after saying that to me. They are right. I should think about her once in a while. I must do this. For my Cindy.

Please forgive me. It's all for your sake. I LOVE YOU


This is so long. Yahh I know
Please feel free to suggest something.
Mwahh good day.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2018 ⏰

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