Screaming out

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Screaming Out

Even as you try to whisper words of comfort,

My voice is caught on words I'll never say.

Stuck in my head, there they replay,

Over and over

I pray and silently scream

Hoping for salvation

Hoping you'll never have to know the kind of darkness I tread.

Your veins may fill with dread

But my strength has fled

Leaving me wishing I was dead

Screaming out for some peace

I'm only eighteen

But life has drained from me

Every hope

Every dream

Leaving me empty, and lost

Like I'm Seventy-three

Your veins may fill with dread

But my strength has fled

Leaving me wishing I was dead

Screaming out for a future

I try to hold on to your memories

To the good things you see in me

But my mind and broken soul

Remind me I'm nothing more than useless

Your veins may fill with dread

But my strength has fled

Leaving me wishing I was dead

Screaming out for another life

That bright future we dreamed of

Fades from my sight

As if it was nothing more than a phantom

I was blind to dream in fairytales

My reality is a jealous hell

Your veins may fill with dread

But my strength has fled

Leaving me wishing I was dead

Screaming out for what I'm losing

It strips me of all good intentions

Loyal beliefs

Noble endeavors

The ever present Know-It-All conscience

Reprimands me for falling apart

And for taking you with me

Your veins may fill with dread

But my strength has fled

Leaving me wishing I was dead

Screaming out for you

I'm the little toy soldier

Expected to be more than I was trained for

My loss of composure is a felony of the highest degree

I carry the weight of a thousand lives on my shoulders

But if I dare show I am human

They spit in my face and tell me to learn my place

Your veins may fill with dread

But my strength has fled

Leaving me wishing I was dead

Screaming out at the injustice of it all

I'm broken beyond repair

For that I am sorry

I would never wish to place this curse upon you

For it is my burden to bear

I'm drained of life and you need better.

Don't cry when I'm gone

I am not worth your tears.

Don't scream out for me

For all screams land on deaf ears.  

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