Life's Entangled Web

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A beautiful tragedy,
Where I'm entangled throughout my sanity,

Of what-ifs,
Or rather, if nots.

The what could be,
Or the countless mind blocks.
The pushes to do,
what I believed I could not,

The motivation, that prevents a stop.

Entangled too is
The deceptive web of lies,

Webs that,
The spider shoots about,
Creating a tangle of mess enroute.

The spider embodies her, and sometimes him,
Etching an image,
That's simply pretend.

Some days, I'm mentally swindled to believe it,
Simply leaving me in a wrath of bitter jealousy.


the brain is a serious thing.
And my
Comparisons are,
My greatest sin.

Sometimes the spider may be me,
Projecting webs of lies I wish I didn't believe.

Positive encouragement is what I need,
Webs of positivity,
Should be all I see.

Knowing my worth,

That I am a Queen,

Can help me maneuver through this beautiful tragedy.

Positive reassurance is the key,
To edifying my sanity.

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