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When most people say "my mom is crazy!" They mean that their mom is yelling at them or giving them lots of chores.

When I say that phrase, it takes on a whole different meaning.

My mom is actually crazy. I'm not kidding. She's a real-life mad scientist named Kinga, and she has several screws loose. In a lot of places.

Her mission in life is simple: make her test subject watch horrible movies until he cracks.

Doesn't sound so bad? Think again. She is not a nice person. At ALL. She's evil. Seriously.

If her test subject - I don't even know his name - doesn't comply with what she wants, she threatens to turn off the oxygen in the Satellite of Love (did I mention she abducted him from Earth?), which is where he lives, or to give him electric shocks with this machine she has.

Lovely woman. And I'm lucky enough to be related to her. (More about our relationship soon.)

Now that I've explained about my demented mom, here's a little bit about me:

My name is Melody Forrester, and I just turned 16.

Living with my mom has caused me to grow up quicker than I should have, and I didn't have much of a childhood.

There's not much else to say, except...I am not what my mom wants me to be. At all.

She wants me to be a mad scientist, like her, but I do not want to put people through the daily hell that she puts them through. And I have absolutely no interest in carrying on the family tradition.

I'm not sure WHAT I want to be. I just know I want to go live in Earth and never have to think about my mom's experiments again.

Because of this...well, now is a good time to talk about the relationship I have with my mom.

My mom thinks I am a disappointment. She actually says this to my face, several times a day.

And, I'll admit, it hurts. When your parent tells you you're a disappointment, it HURTS - even if your parent is a crazy mad scientist who you don't want to be like.

To top this, my mom is not nice to me. If I make her too angry, she turns nasty. And I've been slapped and dragged to my room by the ear enough times to know that it's a good idea to skidaddle if she starts yelling.

Sometimes, I wonder if my mom even meant to have a kid, or if I was an accident. It would explain the way she treats me when I say "no, I don't want to be an evil mad scientist. I want to be normal."

My life is not easy. At all. But I've learned to survive.

Hopefully I can escape Moon 13 someday and go to Earth, far away from this living hell.

Until then, however, I'm stuck here, whether I like it or not.

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