After Dark*The Plane Ride' draft only

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Read with caution, this is a draft,  revisions are being made...

The After Dark  Romance Files Of Chris and Anita Brown

Christopher Maurice Brown Chris Brown and  Anita Johnson Brown

After Midnight  The Plane Ride

I sat on the plane for Three more hours gazing at the landscape below I felt like a movie star. 

Anita: my goodness Christopher I feel so pampered and loved I would never betray you for any man or woman, no matter who they are or what they have ( statement By Anita Johnson Brown) I love you, Christopher Maurice Brown/Chris Brown.

The plane was empty only three of us and they were spoiling me, so "is this what's it's like flying first class luxury style? everything around me was custom, from the window design to the straws that came in my champagne glass filled with orange flavored Perrier water with a slice of lemon.  This has to be for the rich or well to do people, I felt totally at home being pampered and cared for, relaxed and beautiful, before my trip to my destiny I got the works from Sabastein's Salon and spa, an exhilarating treatment, they even waxed my TUTU (Vaginal area) and she was smooth and soft, but craving for some much-needed attention, even though I'm an older woman, a cougar to some, and for your information I look damn good , some of you younger females look older than me, I''m a dream come true for any man,  age is just a number if you take care of yourself and keep the stray dogs away or should I say the men with nothing to offer but the meat between their legs,  and I say that with "smile, I looked like I was twenty-five years old feeling sexy as hell, who knows I was on a ride to receive a book deal and maybe even my groove back, Miss Stella is not the only one who likes younger men, give me a tall light skin, tower I can climb and I'm the happiest woman alive, I've been saving my mind, body and soul to share with Mr. Right, my light chocolate Mr.good bar.. who knows? I do! someone who looks like Chris Brown... Anita sat back and leaned her head on the back of her seat, the furry soft bro blanket across her shoulders, made her fill at home.  Anita picked her manuscript and looked thru the pages she found a few errors but thought no matter they can be corrected, she looked forward to seeing some results from her hard work and long hours. If this is what its like to fly around the world, " then I can't wait to see what Chris has to offer in this publishing deal, of course I could have published independently, but I deserve to travel, to write sitting on the sand at the beach, sipping my perrier water or diet drinks with ice, and having a shrimp cocktails, while listening to the waves of the ocean, maybe some soft romantic music,  or enjoying the view living in a highrise luxury building overlooking the city, writing at night at night , such a romantic setting, writing stories to delight your appetite and wet your taste buds, while delivering you into temptation of the wonderful world of reading to escape the perils of everyday life.  

Anita had been approached by other publishers, but wasn't interested in their bullshit, I'm sure their offers would be trash, and why even bother checking them out, some of them didn't even speak proper business English,  she would never go on an interview that she heard the receptionist popping gum and speaking to her at the same time, "saying girl we got yo book and ma boss want you to come so he could check it out", no doubt this receptionist was answering more than the phone, she was probably the temptation of the companies sexual affairs, STD's, and numerous relationship breakups.... Anita thought about that call and several more, making her offers to publish her book, but when Chris called he sounded very intelligent,  now we all have our street slang when appropriate,  there's a proper time to use this type of language and it's not during business meetings, highly unprofessional. Anita sat back against the seat and put the manuscript down, "not knowing  that Chris had found several more mistakes,  and typos, in her manuscript, but he didn't care, even though he is a stickler for perfection, he would make her correct her mistakes, and grammatical errors, these minor things can be corrected, with the strike of a few keys, and a keen eye, the story is a page-turner and she is fascinating.. 

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