001| roommates

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More than 20 years ago, hybrids had gained equality from experiencing the segregation going on between them and humans. It first started off as hybrids being used and dominated by humans as sex slaves, pets with owners, and other things. They weren't allowed to roam the streets without collars with their owners names, and if they didn't have one, they were in a huge risk of being kidnapped, or sold off to other humans. But over the years, things have changed and humans have changed their views of hybrids. They were part human also and needed to be treated differently. Now, hybrids owned houses, cars, and could be able to roam streets without collars or the need to hide. Of course, there were still some humans that discriminated against hybrids, but the better humans overcame them by a lot ...

"Room 324 dorm B.. room 324 dorm B ..." you muttered these words and numbers over and over relentlessly as your eyes scanned the letters on the door, tail swirling behind you slowly. You were a freshmen at a mixed co-ed college located in Seoul. By mixed you meant hybrids AND humans. Things changed long ago, from having hybrids and humans separated to having schools that had humans and hybrids together. At first, the idea made the hairs on your arms since you knew that some humans still despised hybrids, but you decided to brush it off and focus on school.

Your eyes lit up seeing the door with the numbers 324 on it, tail swaying back and forward happily. All you wanted to do was meet your new roommate and go to sleep as soon as possible, most likely on your   Comfy futon you brought with you since you didn't have any furniture coming in yet. You raised your fist in the air..one knock. For about 30 seconds, there was no response, causing you to sigh in exhaustion before holding your fist up to knock 10 more times in a row. Your patience was running out as your foot tapped against the floor and your tail swaying back and forward furiously.

'What are they even doing in there?' You thought.

Before the 10th knock could land, the door flew open harshly, revealing a silver-haired boy in a white t-shirt and grey sweatpants. Strands of his fluffy, frizzy silver hair had stuck up in different directions, two silver fluffy, dog-like ears on top of his head. One stood up and the other rested against his head lazily as his hooded eyes stared at you in slight disbelief. Your mouth stayed ajar as your eyes slightly widened, taking in the appearance and animal of your hybrid roommate. All you knew about your roommate was that he or she was a sophomore.

"A mutt?" You asked yourself in disbelief, not realizing how loud you said it. That didn't make things better at all, only worse especially since cat and dog hybrids didn't get along at all. Scratch that, all animals didn't get along in some way. You never liked hamster hybrids, and don't even get started with dog hybrids. You mentally groaned in your head, already seeing the future with a mutt as your roommate. His dirty clothes everywhere, pizza boxes always being left out along with other trash, the toilet seat being left up and bitches always coming over.

Dog hybrids were always wild, crazy, and messy. They kept to themselves a lot and always thought that they were the dominant animals along all and hybrids, giving them a cocky and egoistic aura. They were the main ones throwing frat parties and hanging outside of their dorms with friends a lot. You despised them a lot for their cockiness and the fact that they were wild, one thing cat hybrids weren't. Cat hybrids tended to be more calm and collected and chill people to hang out with. They were also very lazy, something you weren't, earning some comments such as being the wrong hybrid and that you should've been a dog hybrid, but the thought of that made you want to throw up.

"And your a prissy cat." The boy answered back, scoffing under his breath as if you couldn't hear, making you hiss loudly so he could hear. He only rolled his eyes, eyeing you up and down, narrowing his eyes at your black tail that swayed furiously behind you and the unique color of your cat ears. The ends of your ears were black and the main coat color was a creme color, hinted with a golden orange. Calico.

"Who are you?" He asked with a slight deep, raspy voice as his hand reached to ruffle his silver locks. The question made your eyebrows furrow in confusion.

"Unfortunately, I'm your new roommate." You rolled your eyes. How couldn't he possibly be aware of receiving a roommate and he lives in this dorm. "I'm Oh Sohae."

"I never asked for your name but ok." Rudeness was laced in his tone. It was obvious that he had just woken up and didn't want to be bothered by anyone and the fact that you were now his roommate, a cat hybrid.

He backed out of the doorway, leaving the door wide open for you to come in, not even bothering to show you around. Your hatred for him grew even more, seeing the dirty living room, but clean kitchen area. You sighed in disappointment, immediately placing your suitcase and bags on the wooden floor near the front door, also slipping off your shoes before putting them on the shoe rack that was neat. You had mentally prepared yourself for this, having a disgusting roommate of course, but not a mutt..

You wanted to puke at how much it smelled like dog, but only took in a deep breath in case your anger rose again. You stepped all the way into the apartment, loving the design of it. It was mostly black and white with some colors such as orange from the flowers and yellow from the fascinating paintings that hung on the white, blank wall. The only good thing out of this was that the designs of the dorms were nice, along with all of the other updated buildings on the campus.

"I should call Cierra." You muttered, pulling out your fluffy, white futon from your suitcase before laying it onto the open space in the messy living room. She was the only human friend you had that loved hybrids and was also foreign, being from America. You brought out your phone from your pocket as you fell into the large comfy pillow that you laid onto the ground. A few rings were heard before it went straight to voicemail, the red head not picking up at this time. You forgot that the times were different since she flew back to America to visit her family in California.

Your eyes fell closed slowly, a loud yawn escaping your lips as your tail stretched out, along with your tight limbs, relaxing into the ball of cotton. All thoughts of having a dog as a roommate slowly left your mind as you drifted off into a dreamless sleep..

Clattering noises.

That's all you heard as you slowly awoken from your peaceful sleep, your mood gradually getting worse with each annoying clank. Your ears had twitched in annoyance as you attempted to cover them with your hands, which was no use. The blinding light of the bright sun that peaked through the grey curtains didn't help either. Sleep was not an option anymore as you slowly sat up from the futon, stretching out your limbs accompanied by a loud hiss from your mouth. This had drawn attention to the dog hybrid, making his ears twitch, turning around from the kitchen to face you.

"Did I wake you?" The mutt asked curiously, his tail swaying behind him mischievously. You mentally rolled your eyes at his questions.

"No mutt." Sarcasm laced in your tone as you spoke tiredly. "Of course you did." You said after getting no response from the boy.

"Oh well." And soon the clattering noise continued. You lazily got up from the futon, still in the same clothes from yesterday. Today was gonna be a long day...

How was it?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 03, 2018 ⏰

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