Chapter 24

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(If you guys are wondering I'm probably going to end this after like 40 more chapters. I know authors who go farther but I don't know 60 seems reasonable it might be more it might be less that's all I wanted to say. )

"do you like that guy over me?" Kian asks when we are heading home.

"Am I in his car driving to his house? No."

"I am driving in your car going to your house." I continue

"I guess you're right."

"And plus I hate him for ruining our night."

"It's okay we still have a long night ahead of us."

"Um no kian I'm tired and want to sleep."

We drive onto the driveway. And I can hear loud music from outside. Along with red cups scattered over the front yard. Oh and let's not forget the drunk girls and boys stumbling on themselves.

"Looks like your not getting any sleep tonight." Kian says


He snickers

"You knew about this didn't you?" I ask


"Oh great."

I open the car door and head into our house and the music is very loud.

"Well I'll loose hearing by the end of the night."

I look around and it's like most parties people half naked couples making out people grinding and of course the alcohol..

Someone grabs my hips and I stiffen. I turn to see it's jc.

"Oh shit don't scare me like that."

"What I was just trying to dance."

You can tell he was very drunk.

"Where's lia."

"I can't invite her! If her father found out it was my party he would kill me."

"That's what happens when you date younger girls."

"Mhm now dance with me." He says bringing me closer so that our bodies are touching.

"Not a good idea." I say pushing him away.

"Just one dance."

"I'm good thanks ask me again when your sober."

Thank god jc stopped trying because kian showed up with two drinks.

"Here." He says handing me the drink.

"I'm fine."

I have drank alcohol I just don't do it often.

"C'mon loosen up baby." He says and kisses me.

I can tell he drank a couple of cups before heading here because his mouth tasted like vodka.

"Fine." I grumble and chug down the beer.

He takes my hand and brings me to where everyone was dancing and well we started to dance. I must say I do like that buzzed feeling alcohol gives you. We dance some more. This night is actually pretty great. That was until someone had to ruin it.

"May I steal this beautiful lady." Peter the guy from the fair earlier says.

"I think I'm fine with him." I tell Peter showing him I know kian can't beat you up but I can surely reject you and make my boyfriend not get jealous.

"Well if you need me I'm just a phone call away." He says handing me a paper with his number on it.

"I don't think so." I say ripping the paper and throwing it to the ground.

What? Alcohol does something to me. Yes I had a few more glasses and was considerably drunk.

He doesn't seem affected by me.

"Suit yourself." He says and walks away.

"I love you." Kian whispers in my ear

"I love you more."

"I love you most."

This conversation would've meant something to me if we weren't both drunk.

The party ends a couple hours later. Kian crashes on the couch and I take all the energy I have left and walk up the stairs and into my bed.

I wake up to kian.

I feel like shit. My head is pounding and I feel like I'm gonna throw up any second now.

"You broke the tradition."

Is he fucking serious?

"I'm sorry I was too drunk and tired to remember."

I groan at the pain.

"Is someone not used to alcohol?"

"Bite me."

He winks and wiggles his eyebrows.

"Fuck off."

"Oh someone's sassy."

"Kian I'm gonna drive to Adris house right now if you don't stop."

"How exactly do you plan on driving."

"I'll call a fucking cab."

"For someone who doesn't swear you seem to swear quite often."

"Maybe because I live with 3 boys who cuss in every second sentence they say!"

I groan at the pain in my stomach and message my temples trying to soothe my headache.

"Do you need anything?" He asks

Great were over the annoying stage.

"Advils please?"

"Anything for you."

I like this stage better.

He brings up the advils.

"How are you not experiencing this?"

"You drank double what I did."


"Ya I stopped as soon as you had your second cup."

"It's pretty much all a blur."

"Yeah well you had fun."

"I know but I remember the Peter part."

"You're the best."

"I know."

He rolls his eyes.

"I hate this." I whine

"Yeah we all do."

After resting the whole day I finally feel better.

I hear a doorbell and I offer to answer it.

I fixed my appearance after I started feeling better so that I don't look like something from the monsters inc. movie.

When I open the door I can't believe my eyes.

Adam is standing there with a bouquet of red roses.

"I'm back." He says with a smile

Our secret kiss•kian lawleyTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang