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Sound of bulldozers in front of our house is irritating like hell. Those huge yellow devils're gathering the scattered sea of litter, I'm seeing since I'd my sense.

I'm worried of my grandpa's health

I'm going to his room to check and see he's staring out through window where the work's going on. What's so interesting there? Probably the fuss already made him mad.

"Grandpa what're you watching?...Gran...Grandpa...?"

"Yes dear.

"...Nothing much, just recollected some childhood memories by seeing...those."

"Really? So what did you remember?"

"Once upon a time there was a sea coast in front of our house. Me, my school friends and children from ambit, we used to go there whenever possible. We used to play, fight, ...we used to've fun ...for real, with all our hearts contend.

"During hours of sunrise and sunset the Sun looked like a blazing orb of gold dust in a rubiginous pool of blood.

"Living creatures of water also became our friends. I still remember, once a crab had bite my friend's toe, and he was screaming like anything but forgave the poor being, can I forget, one day we all saved a dolphin after it accidentally came up to land" He bring it out as if the view is right in front of him.

"...Then one day some people came and prohibited us from going at the beach. We're angry and also curious for the reason behind this sudden action.

"After somedays a friend of mine came running as if taking his heart in hand, and informed, it would become a resort.

"It was such a polished place that could never escape from anyone's eyes

"Very soon lots of people started to come and turned that heaven to hades by throwing dabris including plastics everywhere and anywhere.

"This plastic became our enemy. ...But no one of us got guts to protest against this evil practice. Every day we started to grow which reduced our time to play."

"Eventually, the coast became the only public garbage bin, dumbing with unending sea of waste plastic products and other things.

"Now in 2050 year no one'll believe my words that there're once a paradise where we used to spend time.

"And those innocent sea animals... don't know whether they're even alive in that hell or not. They'll never forgive us for destroying there home.

"Frankly speaking, if I'd a time machine, I'd definitely go to the past and never come back."

"Then won't you miss me, dad, mom?"

"Yes definitely I'll miss you there, ...then we'll go to past and stop those people to set there business there, then the coast can be crystal clear as always, no plastics, no garbage, no dumping."

I could very well imagine his cost of paradise... since I saw many old photographs... probably of him and his good old world.

I also wish, world can understand a old man's plea here, and mother nature's cry to stop destroying her atleast for own benefit.

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