Chapter 1 First encounter

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"When I was younger I was certain

That I'd be fine without a queen

Just a king inside his castle

With an ocean in between

Now all I do is sit

And count the miles from you to me

Oh, calamity"

The lights shone down, reflecting all kinds of colors into the awestruck crowd.  My lungs filled with oxygen and released the words I knew by heart.  

The crowd swayed with the music, rocking back and forth, like the crashing waves of the ocean. Breathing in and out, pulling and pushing, sweat filled bodies trying to reach the front. I, myself forced my body between others, earning hatred filled looks, from all but one. I had seen him in the stands near the back of the main floor hours ago. His multi-colored hair made him completely recognizable. 

"Hey." This was all I could see he said. His black and blue flannel showed an All Time Low tee underneath, and his jeans, ripped a bit at the knees. I couldn't help but smile and nod back at him, trying hard not to show any fear towards the rest of the human population behind us. 

I turned back around, searching for my best friend who it seemed had gotten left behind.

"Looking for someone?" He yelled, rather than asked. 

"Nah, I'll find her afterwards." I turned back around towards the stage, mesmerized by the people on the stage. Singing along, I looked at my new acquaintance, bobbing my head to the music. 

"It's such a shame that we play strangers

No act to change what we've become

Damn, it's such a shame that we play strangers

No act to change what we've become

Damn, it's such a shame that we've built a wreck out of me

Oh, calamity

Oh, calamity"

The crowd pushed us closer to the front; or, to be exact, we pushed forward while people fought all other foes. 

"I'm Liz." 

"Michael, nice to meet you."

Who knows? I might have even made a new friend. God knows they're good to have.


"So you pushed your way through to the front, and lost your friend on the way there... It doesn't seem like you're a very good friend." He sat beside me on the floor, where we had just finished watching the band play. The room was slowly emptying out, and trash was scattered all over the floor. 

"I didn't notice she'd let go of me until I got here. I wasn't about to leave this hard earned spot. Besides, we had already agreed on waiting here in front after the concert was over. It was bound to happen." My hands were flying around like they always did when I talked. I couldn't tell if he minded or not. 

"So you're saying this is her fault?"

"Most definitely. See, if she hadn't let me go while I was entirely focused on moving forwards, we would still be together. It's also likely she met someone hot on the way and got distracted." 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2014 ⏰

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