Through His Eyes

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Gender: Male

Age: Early Thirties

Hair Color: Dirty Blonde/Light Brown

Eye Color: Hazel

Name: Irrelevant

   I put on some water to boil. I’m making tea. Earl Grey tea. I’ve always loved it ever since I was a child. It was the only thing that kept me warm at night in my room. The glass in my window was knocked out by some punks playing baseball in the streets. My parents never had the money to fix it. They didn’t care much anyway. I never had a pillow, and my blanket was matted and dirty. We never had a washing machine. We didn’t have running water, half the time. The time that we did, my parents used all of the hot water. All I had was a room, a mattress, a blanket and the clothes on my back…But this isn’t about my childhood. This is about now.

   I’m making a big breakfast today. For, today is a very momentous occasion. Today is my anniversary. I’m making eggs, bacon, sausage, pancakes, gravy, and biscuits. The whole works. Once I’m done cooking, I make up two plates of food and a side bowl of gravy, and I head down to the basement. I have some of the best wine in the world down in the basement. Only very special people ever get to see down there.

   I set the plate down in front of a chair and slowly examine the lovely legs set out before me. They are very muscular. I’ve always admired his physique. His chiseled bone structure. His glistening muscles. He wasn’t wearing a shirt today. His abdominal muscles are subtle but noticeable. His eyes…Oh, his eyes were perfect little gems that always stared at me with longing. I love him.

   He’s wearing a blind fold today. I decided that I wanted this celebratory breakfast to be a surprise. He doesn’t even know that I’m in here. I’ve always been a quiet person.

   I set the warm plate on lap, and his whole body jerks. He starts breathing frantically. I quickly assure him that it’s only me, but he doesn’t seem to settle down much. So, I remove his blind fold. His eyes lock on mine. I’ve always loved the way he looked at me.

   I look down at his arms bound to the arms of the velvet chair that he’s sat in. He’s lovely. He’s trying so hard to break free. He’s trying to get up, but I won’t allow it. He’s not going anywhere. I remove the gag rag from his mouth and pick up a fork. He’s screaming at me. I don’t know why. I’m just trying to celebrate. I thought he would be happy for me. It’s my anniversary. I deserve this special occasion to celebrate with the man I love.

   I get a forkful of eggs and shove them in his mouth. Someone is going to eat this breakfast that I spent all morning working on! He spits them back out at me. A piece lands on my face.

   ”Don’t do that. You’re going to make me angry and you don’t want me to get angry, darling.”, I warn him.

   He looks at me with that look again. At first, I thought it was endearing, but it’s starting to irritate me. I’m getting flustered.

   I attempt to feed him again. This time I give him a piece of bacon. Everybody loves bacon. He starts to chew it. Finally, we’re making progress. Then he spits the chewed up particles out at me.

   ”That’s it!!!”, I yell. “I’VE SPENT ALL MORNING COOKING US THIS WONDERFUL BREAKFAST!! WHY CAN’T YOU JUST ENJOY IT?!”, I pleaded with a knife pressed hard to his throat.

   ”You’re a psycho!”, he manages to choke out.

   I’m done with words. The time for talking is over.

   I grab a scalpel sitting on my a tray that I placed on the right side of him. He starts wriggling even more now He should know that they’re just futile attempts. He’s not going anywhere. He’s mine. I make a small incision on his right cheek. He screams at me, but I’m too distracted to listen to anymore he has to say. The blood trickles down his face and drips onto his abdomen. I put the scalpel back down where it belongs, and I take a sip of my wine that I poured earlier.

   He’s looking at me, with that look…I know he his. I grab a couple of steel chopsticks. I’m not sure why I had them on the tray, but I did. I stab both of his eyes and pluck them out. I would have liked to preserve their original condition, but I didn’t have the proper tool to do so, and he left me no choice. I remove the chopsticks from the eyes. There was brain matter on them. I shoved them in too deep. I place the eyes in a jar full of alcohol. Blood is pouring down his face, now, and he’s screaming uncontrollably. He doesn’t have much longer, and this going faster than I anticipated.

   I’ll let him suffer for the remainder of his time.

   My breakfast had gotten cold. So, I returned upstairs to the kitchen and warmed up my plate of food along with the gravy. I then return to the basement and put on some music. Symphony 5 seems fitting for the occasion. I eat my breakfast, slowly. I can barely hear his screaming over the music. My basement is sound proof. So, I needn’t worry of someone being disturbed by any noise. Halfway through my meal, he stops screaming. He’s sitting there, limp. My heart clenches with excitement. I walk over to him and check his pulse. He’s gone.

   I grab a sharpie and make several marks on his body. I then grab the scalpel again and start making incisions on the marks that I had previously made. I pull his skin from his body. Slowly, ever so slowly, lest the skin rip. I can hear it pulling away from his tissues and muscles, and my heart starts racing.

   I’ve invited friends over for later to enjoy a delectable dinner with me. They don’t know that it’s my anniversary.

   After I’ve finished removing the skin, I must remove the muscle and tissues from the bones. I can’t have anyone choking on a bone on my special night, now can I? This is a very tedious process. So, I hope you don’t mind me skipping over the details. Once I’ve finished with the removal, I go outside and start up the grill. I put some spices on the meat and grill it. All of it.

   My guests arrive soon after I’ve completed everything. We’re all seated at the table, where I have put place settings out for all of them. They always have bragged about what a great host I am. I have my best suit on, and they all compliment me on it. I tell them how grateful I am to have them, and I serve them their meal. They all compliment it.

   ”Oh, this is wonderful!”, “I’ve never had anything like this.”, “When is your next event? I can’t miss another one!”, “Where in the world did you acquire this exquisite meat.”, ect, ect….

   I simply smile and say, “A man never reveals his secrets.”

~Courtney W. ©

Through His EyesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora